Chapter 2

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God I hated trees.
There were so many of them in Wexford and I was sick of seeing them. I hated this town because everyone knows everything about everybody all the time. I remember when my parents started having problems and suddenly everyone in school knew my parent's marriage was on the rocks. Turns out one of my so called "friends" told someone else and they told someone and so on. Long story short, my parents had to make it up quick because they were tired of the ridiculing looks they got.
    I leaned my forehead against the cold window and watched my warm breath fog it. It was getting cold out and I missed the warm summer days, but I appreciated the change. I groaned inwardly at myself. I could be so pathetic some times. My phone buzzed and when I checked it I groaned again.
"Hey babe I'm sorry about Sherri. It was a huge mistake. I don't want to lose you because you're the best I've ever had. You want to go hang out tomorrow??;-)"
I almost threw up in my mouth. It was my ex Jacob.His apology was terrible. I hated him. He was a terrible person, but was the most popular guy in school and well...I liked being popular too, so. I tapped on the text box and began to type.
Me:It's okay just please don't do it again. You know I want you to myself. And yeah I'm good for tomorrow. <3
My thumb hesitated over the send button. Why was I hesitant? Maybe I really did care about Jacob. Or maybe I was scared to be labeled a leech. I shook those thoughts away and pressed send.
"Who are you texting sweetie?" My mom asked sweetly. I looked up at her and turned off my phone and placed it on my lap.
"Just Jake." I answered simply and shrugged.
"That's nice. Tell him I said hi." She replied, having no clue how terrible Jacob really was. I swallowed and looked at my mom in the mirror.
"Can I go hang out with Jake tomorrow?" I asked. My mother nodded without a response. She wasn't angry she just wasn't really paying attention. I nodded my head to myself, noting this. I picked up my phone and texted Jessica
Me: Hey Jess do you want to go hang out with me and Jake tomorrow?
Jess: Yeah. Is it okay if I bring Chris?
Me: Of course! It'd be great to see Chris again. I feel like I haven't seen him at all since he took up that modeling career.
Jess: Well duh Maria. I mean he is kind of their top model. Glad I caught this fish before he slipped out of my fingers!
I chuckled. Of course she's obviously not lucky, just absolutely gorgeous. I shut off my phone and stared out the window. I was excited for tomorrow, oddly. I didn't know if I was catching feelings for Jacob again or I was just happy to see Chris and Jess. Chris and I used to be best friends in elementary through middle and part of Jr. High school. We weren't as close as we used to be, but we were still very good friends and I hadn't seen him in forever! My phone buzzed and pulled me out of my thoughts. It was from Jacob.
Jake: is it cool if we go to a party at Andrews house?
Me: Yeah. Is it okay if Jess and Chris come?
I waited for a few minutes and finally got a reply.
Jake: sure.
He didn't sound too happy about that. He hated that me and Chris were so close, but hey, it's not like we liked each other or anything. I looked at my mother's face in the rear view mirror. She was only in her thirties and she still possessed that lovely glow about her. She had a slim figure and perfect hair. She was perfect in almost every sense of the word. I smiled, glad I had inherited some of her beauty. I tore my gaze away from her and glanced back out the window.
~time skip~
I laid all sorts of outfits on my bed and tried each of them on, I even swapped up some of the shirts and pants until I found the right thing. It was a simple outfit, but it flattered me. The tight dark wash jeans hugged my curves and showed off my rump. I put on a flattering crop top. Jessica had helped me pick it out and told me she loved it on me and that it complimented my breasts and flat stomach very well. I pulled on my converses and looked in my body length mirror. I honestly hated parties, there were too many people and that triggered my anxiety, but Jacob said there would be booze so I would just get a little tipsy like usual until I was comfortable. I had done my make up earlier so I was ready to go. I car horn blew outside and my father's voice rang from downstairs
"Jake's here!" He shouted.
"I'm coming!" I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my back pocket and raced down the stairs. I kissed my parents on the cheek and rushed out the door. Jacob was leaning against his sleek black Jaguar. Yes he had a Jaguar. He was filthy freaking rich. He smacked my bum as he opened my door.
"Lookin' sexy baby." He said as he stared at me in was that made me almost uncomfortable.
"As always for you baby!" I forced a smile. He licked his lips and walked to the drivers side and slid in the seat. He put the car in drive and we started our way to Andrew's house.
~another time skip~
I stood in front of Andrew's house and swallowed nervously. We were pretty early per my request so there wasn't that many people here, but yet I was still nervous.
"Hey did Andy tell you if he had gotten the booze yet?" I asked slowly. Jacob shrugged as we walked up to the door, hand in hand. He knocked on the door and leaned against the frame.
"If you're so worried about booze then why didn't you get any." He growled. I opened then shut my mouth.
"That's what I thought." He muttered casually. Andrew answered the door and Jacob's face cracked with an enormous smile. The two boys did a bro hug and then Andrew looked at me a smiled politely.
"Hey Ria."
"Hey Andy."
That was our whole conversation. We walked past him and Jacob went straight to the kitchen. Hm. Guess the booze was already here. I went over to the keg and got myself a cup full of cheap beer and leaned against the wall, looking out at everyone sitting around and chatting merrily. Jacob was off with some of his football buddies, leaving me to wait for Jess and Chris.

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