Chapter 4

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~Maria's POV~
My eyes slid open and I slowly began to analyze the room I was sleeping in.
It wasn't my house.
My hands slid against the soft fabric under me and I deduced that it was a couch. I slowly sat up, but immediately regretted my decision. An enormous headache slapped me in the face and I clutched my head in pain. I let out a low groan and looked around the room. There was several sleeping bodies in the room, positioned in weird places. My stomached lurched and I jumped up, racing to find the nearest bathroom. Luckily the bathroom was right next to the room I was in. I raced to the toilet and clutched the sides as I vomited. After I was done I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and got up to wash.
As I was washing my hands and face, the door knob jiggled. Someone began pounding on the door and I guessed that they had to vomit too. I unlocked the door and a guy bursted into the bathroom and hugged the toilet. I hesitated for a moment, listening to him vomit. After he stood up I looked him in the eye and I felt a small spark of recognition.
"Hey, do I know you?" I asked quietly. He looked past me and shook his head, walking away. I guess I was still a little buzzed from last night because I grabbed his biceps to stop him. He turned and looked at me and I felt small under his gaze.
"I'm sure I know you." I said, a tad nervous.
He shook his head again, but this time he spoke.
"I'm no one important." He had a thick English accent and it was like a switch was flipped.
"Hey, wait! You're the new kid! You punched Jake!" I saw him flinch at these words, like he expected to be scolded like a child, and for a second he seemed vulnerable, but he quickly regained his figure and snatched his arm away from me.
"It was nothing special." With that he walked away, bristling. I slumped, honestly I was going to thank him. I don't remember everything, but I know he beat the crap out of Jake. No one's ever beat up Jake. No one. So for this new kid to walk in and just beat him, must've screwed with his head. I walked out of the bathroom and walked around the house. I began to gather my things, but just as I was about to leave, I heard someone stumble into the living room. I looked up from the door knob to see Jacob. I winced as I remembered how aggressive he was last night. He was shuffling and rubbing the back of his neck. His clothes were wrinkled and half undone and his hair was a mess. He'd definitely been cheating because he had several hickeys trailing his neck. He looked up and me and smiled.
"Hey, baby." He croaked. I snorted and turned back to the door. I opened it and took a step out the door, but stopped and turned around.
"We're officially through, Jacob." I growled and slammed the door.
I pulled my phone and dialed Jess, knowing that she hadn't come to the party last night due to a "family emergency". She answered on the second ring.
"Hey, babe." She chirped. Jess was always a morning person.
"Hey, Jess. Can you come pick me up from Andy's?" I asked sweetly.
"Yep, be there in a sec!"
~Time skip~
I hopped into Jess's BMW and slid on my sunglasses, the bright sun blinding me. Jess cranked her car and it hummed to life. We drove down the road in silence until Jess finally broke the silence.
"So, how was the party?" She asked cautiously.
"It was okay." I shrugged.
"Nothing happened?"
I shook my head and Jess turned and gave me an incredulous look.
"Please! I heard about the new kid!" She exclaimed. I shrugged.
"What about him?" I spoke, oblivious. Jess let out an exaggerated huff.
"He literally defended your honor, Ria!"
I turned and looked at Jess, confused.
"He did what?" I asked.
"Yeah! You don't remember?" I shook my head at her words. Jess sighed.
"Apparently Jake almost hit you and new kid totally beat the hell out of him!" Jess exclaimed in excitement. Suddenly I had a rush of memory. I remembered flirting helplessly with Thomas. I remembered Jake getting mad at me, and then I remembered Thomas violently beating Jake. It was like he was in a rage. A blind frenzy. I shuddered at the memories, suddenly frightened by the new student.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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