Chapter 3

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~Thomas's POV~
I grudges through the party with a solo cup half full of cheap beer. Half the kids here were either drunk or getting there. I hated American parties. All these American girls wanted to do was have sex. I mean the girls in Britain had the common sense to try a little flattery before trying to jump in your pants. I sipped at the terrible beer and looked around from the wall I was leaning on. Yeah yeah, call me a wallflower if you want, but if you were at this party you'd stick to the walls too. I had no friends and everyone was spilling their beer everywhere. I sighed, nothing catching my eye. Suddenly someone stumbled into me, nearly falling to the floor if I hadn't had caught them. I lifted them and saw it was a young girl with long blonde hair that was messy from stumbling into people I presume. She was actually pretty attractive. Maybe wipe off some of that make up and you'd have yourself a sure fire pretty girl.
"Watch where you're going next time." I spoke softly as I helped her to her feet. Her gorgeous green eyes locked with mine and she erupted in a fit of giggles.
"I-I-I know who yoUuuuuuu arEEeee!" She slurred happily. I tilted my head oddly.
"You do?"
She nodded and put her finger on my chest.
"You'r' tha nnneew kiIId! You'r naamm's...uM.....OH! OH! Youuuuurrr name's TOM! R-r-right?" She looked at me wit an expectant look.
"Um yeah. My name's Thomas." I answered awkwardly. I didn't enjoy this conversation since this girl was black out drunk and made no sense.
"And you're......?" I asked expectantly.
"You don' kno my name?" She asked, exasperated. I shook my head making her jaw drop.
"I'm only, like, the most popular girrrl in schol." She gave me an odd look. "Bu' I guesss I'll let this one slliiddeee. Thisss Time! Myy name's Mariaaaaaaaa~" She spoke proudly and happily, like her name meant something. It meant nothing to me.
"Well nice to meet you Maria. Now if you don't mind I have to go." I went to walk away, but Maria grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I looked back and she had a dangerous light in her eyes.
"What are you-"
"Shhhhhh! I want you." She had a dangerous light in her eyes. I tried to pull away, a tad mortified by her words, but she dug her polished fingernails into my wrist.
"Ouch! That hurts!" I whined. I grabbed her hand, but she fell on top of me and wrapped her arms around my waist, clasping her hands around my back. Her face was inches from mine and I could smell the alcohol on her breath. But from this angle, her eyes were gorgeous. Wait, what? Before I could say or do anything, a gruff voice interrupted me.
"What the hell are you doing with my girl?!"
I groaned. Boyfriend.
The girl turned around and looked at the boy, who was about an inch or two shorter than me, ruff looking—maybe drunk— his hair was a mess but still had remains of gel in it. His wrinkly button up plaid was half undone and he had the marks of a hickey on his neck. So obviously this chick wasn't the only one cheating. His friends surrounded him, drunk as well.
"Get lost, Jacob!" The girl growled, which seemed odd coming from her small body. The boy, Jacob, whirled and glared at Maria. His eyes were burning with something that was all too familiar to me, but before I could do a thing, the boy raised his hand and went to slap her. Then it went in slow motion. I quickly reached forward and grabbed his arm.
"You don't want to do that, mate." I growled. Jacob's glare was thrown to me and I saw his goons eyes widen.
"Who the hell do you think you are?!" He asked furiously. I could feel Maria's scared eyes fixed on me, but I kept a cool face.
I sighed. I swear Americans are the worst. Especially when they're drunk, which is often.
"Name's Tom." I answered simply and slightly uninterested. "And you don't have a right to hit her."
Jacob balled his hand into a fist and snatched his arm out of my grip.
"So you're sayin' my fight's with you?" He slurred then laughed breathlessly and looked back at his goons, who laughed as well. I glanced at him and his goons, counting them. Six. I sighed inwardly.
"No I'm saying leave her alone." A crowd had begun to circle around us.
"No I'm saying leave her alone." He tried to mimic my British accent, but failed. "You sound like such a pussy!"
Jacob stumbled backwards, holding his bleeding nose.
"What the hell?!" He screeched. I punched him. He got to me.
I balled my reddening hand into a fist as he stumbled forward. He threw a punch and I dodged it, which wasn't that hard, I mean he was drunk. He threw a few more slow punches, his goons cheering him on. I saw his fist swing downward as he fell. I tracked his movement with my eyes and slid out of the way. He stumbled towards the crowd and they all stumbled backwards, making room. I turned on my heel and Jacob charged towards me. I slid out of the way again, but this time threw a punch on the sensitive spot where his arm and shoulder connected and he fell to the ground. Everything went dead silent. I crouched down and turned over Jacob and looked him in the eye. His nose still bleed, but now even more because I had slammed his face on the ground. Suddenly his fist was flying towards my face. I stumbled back a little, landing on my rear. I wiggled my jaw and it stung. I looked at Jacob, who was attempting to get up. Screams of excitement that filled the air suddenly disappeared and all I felt was rage. I lunged at Jacob and suddenly I was on top of him, throwing one punch after another. The screams stopped. Someone yelled out for me to stop, but I didn't. Not until hands were grabbing my arms, pulling me off of him. His face was bashed in and some of his friends were grabbing him, trying to shake him awake. Idiots. I caught a glimpse of Maria standing with her friend, she looked terrified. I huffed. Of course she's scared of you now idiot, but whatever. You helped her and that's all that matters.

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