"i hate what i se"

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it's always there. Even when stuff looks good. it's all of the stuff but most people just look right though it what's the "it"? just how everything's always slipp away how everyone's alays kind of dying inside. how sad everybody really is? "i'm good"

like i'm floating outside of my body looking down on myself i hate what i se. i know how dead you are inside how worthless feel i know how you look into a mirror and hate what you see and i'm so scaers that, that feeling is never gonna go away.

there is so much pain. i don't know how to not gotice it, there's so much wrong in the world there's so much hurt i couldn't take knowing i'd made it worse and i couldn't take knowing it would never get any bette

"there's been a suicide"

"who's the victim?"

"i am"

what if the only way not to feel bad, is to stop not to feel anything at all forever.

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