I couldn't save her

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You told me once that you weren't a hero there were times I didn't even think you were human, but let me tell you this you were the Bedste man/lady the most human. I was so alone and I owe you so much one more thing don't be dead. I want you to live I want that more than anything in this world.

I want you to fight like hell to stay with us, but with everybody else gone I know it might not be what you want. It might be to hard for you to, keep fighting so if you wanna go I want you to know it's ok... it's ok

She wasn't just me Allie she was my friend, I see her in the flowers that grow in the meadow by my house. She was too young too gentle band I couldn't save her I'm sorry

Even though we're quiet different you've gotta trust me that's what you think this is about that I don't trust you?
Is that not what it is about?
Of course I trust you then why do you keep pulling away from me?
Because everyone I've ever been with is dead

I lost everyone
I can't lose you to
God had to take her
He needed another angel
Why didn't he just take one?
I mean he's god after all why
Didn't he just make another angel?

You know this world it's so very cruel and hard and you'll never be hurt or sad or have your tiny heart broken
I love you... sleep tight little boy

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