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I want you to imagine a 10 years old version of yourself sitting right there on this couch. Now this is the little girl who first believed that she was fat and ugly and an embarrassment. I want you to imagen her sitting there right now.

Now tell that little girl she's fat. Tell that little girl that she's ugly. Tell that little girl that she's an embarrassment and worthless and useless.

Because that's what you do every single day when you say that to yourself. And your convince yourself that you're an embarrassment. And a burden.

Do you think she's ugly? No.
No or fat? No.
Or an embarrassment? Or horrible or worthless?
Just stop it...

What do you want to tell the little girl?
If she said to you that's how she felt about herself. What would you tell her?
That's she's fine, that she's perfect,

That's what you need to tell yourself, every time you feel that panic, that anxiety. You need to soothe yourself like you would soothe the little girl.
You need to tell yourself that everything is going to be okay.

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