the beginning. vilots and bubbles pov

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I sit in my room to at the orfaage then the mis . lakewood walked in and told me to pack up my bags. May I ask why madem? Child your getting adopted for God's sake. By who his name is Michael clofford I say ok so I pack up all my bags and got dressed I wore black skinny jeans with ripped knees and a blue 5sos shirt that said
Calum hood
Ashton Irwin
Luke hemming
Michael clofford
And listen to 5 seconds of summer!
It was just a random shirt I put on I didn't even like the band.

I see that they also adopted bubbles. I walk up to her and she goes omg can you believe we actually are getting adopted omg yes!!!! And together ehhh. He walk up to us and goes you must be vilot and bubbles. Yes,yes sir we are. Oh you guys don't have to call me sir please. Now go get in. Okay we say. I sit by a boy with a lip ring and bubbles sits by me but she is sitting by a boy with black hair. Oh girls Michael says this is luke and this is calum and he points to the one with blonde hair and that's ashton and I'm Michael. I see you girls kinda already know us calum says and points to are shirts. Oh um yeah we say and slightly blush. We get to the house and bubbles says holy it freaking huge then I join in with her. Calum laughs. We can show you to your rooms said ashton in a fansey voice wich makes us laugh. This is vilots room and across the hall is bubbles. We bought you guys iPhone 8s I hope you don't mind. We say no not at all. And also just a laptop and tablet. Seriously wow we both say. Here he gives us them we both smile. Okay you can look around if you please dinner will be done soon kidos. Alright I think we are going to put are stuff away then explore. Okay but be safe. Alright we say. I make my bed and put away my clothes 15 pair of jeans,18 shirts, 2 pair of shoes combat boots and my vains, bubbles did the same. I put my roler blades in th back of my closest and my skateboard in the corner and my gtar in the other . Bubbles and me go and look around we seen the backyard it had a pool and lots of space and a bonfire pit and a grill. I love this already bubbles says I agree. We go to the front yard and see a fontan and plenty of room for skating this is awesome we say. When we get back in the guys say it's time for dinner. We head to the dining room and sit at the table me and bubbles sit by each other. We had Roman. It was good. The next morning we hear 2 voices it sounded like Michael and luke but we weren't sure. We hear them say they both have there hone room so why are they in vilots then we here there sister's bubbles probably just wanted to be near vilot yeah I guess your right. Wake up kids they pull the blanket off us. We open are eyes. Bubbles and me cry what do you want in a half asleep voice. Time to get up. Fine I get up out of bed and bubbles run over to her room and gets dressed she weres blue legings and a fall out boy shirt. I wore black skinny jeans with ripped knees and a green day shirt. We both walk down stairs. Calum go's hey vi nice shirt I say thanks calum we're both big fans of green day and fall out boy. Cool Michael said I guess I pickedthe right kids Hu. Bubbles yawned and ashton says don't do that it's contagious. bubbles is bubbles your real name? No I just go by it my real name is alaynna. Well bubbles can we call you alaynna. Sure I guess you can it doesn't bug me I just like bubbles. Well vilot is your real name vilot. Yes, yes it is. Well you girls better get eating we have stuff to do today you know ok well what are we doing today. Shopping luke said with a smile. Alaynna just glared at luke like he was crazy. I just rolled my eyes.

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