Chapter 10

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"Can I help you officer?" Mr. Greene said very concerned.

"Officer McLaw! What are you doing here?" I asked very excitedly.

"I am here for you Hanna. I am worried about you." He said very happily.

"Well there is nothing wrong officer. We are just enjoying our meal." Mrs. Greene said nervously.

"Officer McLaw, can I talk to you privately?" I asked.

"Anything for you Hanna." he said.

I guided Officer McLaw upstairs to my room. Abby decided to tag along so she didn't have to deal with the Greenes. I told him everything that happened to me, including Mrs. Greene yelling at me. I told him that Peeta tried to warn me about something.

"Where is Peeta? I want to talk to him also." he said very sternly.

I went downstairs and got Peeta and brought him upstairs.

"Hanna am I in trouble?" asked Peeta.

"No Peeta. Officer McLaw just wants to talk to you."

We walked into my room and Peeta quickly locked the door, closed the windows, and made sure everyone was downstairs.

" My family has a really big secret that is deadly." said Peeta.

" I know Peeta. I just want to know if they did anything new since Sam." asked McLaw.

Sam! Who the heck was that?! I don't remember there being a Sam!

"Yes. And it involves you know who." said Peeta

"Oh no! Not another one. Peeta we got to get you out of here." exclaimed Officer McLaw.

"I am not leaving without Jacob, Hanna, and Katniss." Peeta exclaimed.

"Okay then they can come to."

"What are you guys talking about? Who's Sam?" I asked very angrily.

" I will tell you once I get you out of here!"

Peeta and Officer McLaw started to head downstairs. I followed to try and find out what is happening. I turned around and started to talk to Abby.

"If you want to go home I can take you?" I asked.

"No. Why would I leave my best friend when she is in danger. I will text Mary and tell her to meet us at Berry Best."

I turned back around to see that everyone disappeared. We found Peeta in the backyard. Officer McLaw was in the suiting area waiting for all of us.

Peeta came into the sitting area with Hanna and Jacob and McLaw had Katniss.

"Make sure all of the things you will need is packed and ready to go. You are coming with me."said McLaw.

"Why? We didn't do anything wrong!?" Katniss screamed very angrily.

"Because you never told me there was another one."

I was so confused. I had no idea what was going on. I wish I did. that would be nice to know what they are talking about. I watched everyone run around the house getting their things. When they were done they noticed that I was just standing there not doing anything. Katniss and Peeta yelled at me to go get my stuff. I told them I didn't know that I had to. So me and Abby quickly ran upstairs to grab our things. We headed back downstairs and ran out the door. Officer McLaw put all our bags into the trunk of the car. I had to sit up front because no one had any room in the back. On our way to meet Mary at Berry Best I asked all the questions I had in my head.


Hey guys! I hope you like my story so far. To make up for all the days I lost I decide to publish two chapters for you! Enjoy!!💜💙💚

- Megan

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