16. Liam

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Chapter 16. Liam

"Okay," Harry giggled and drank a sip of his beer, "Truth or dare, Josh." Harry and I looked at Josh. "Dare." "I dare you to strip naked and go jump into the pool," Harry laughed loudly. "But it's freezing," Josh groaned. "Just do it," I laughed.

Josh started to strip so I looked at Niall. He was sitting on the bed and was looking out the window. He was shaking. "Ni are you okay," I asked softly. Niall slowly looked at me and nodded, "I'm fine." Whenever he says that I know he doesn't really mean it. He's not fine.

"Okay, I'm going to do it," Josh giggled and ran out of his room. Harry and I got up and looked out the window so we could see the pool. Josh looked up at us and gave us thumbs up. Harry laughed, "He's not going to do it." "Yes he is. He's drunk," I laughed. Josh quickly jumped into the water. But as soon as he jumped in he got out. Josh grabbed a towel from the side of the people and he left the pool area.

Harry and I sat back down onto the floor. I crawled over to speakers and changed that was playing. "Play some Katy Perry," Harry giggled and grabbed a new beer. This is his tenth one, damn. I shuffled through my phone till I found Katy Perry's song Birthday. Harry gasped, "This is my song." Josh came into the room giggling loudly, "My hair! It's so wet."

Harry laughed loudly, "Well how did that happen idiot?" Josh kept giggling as he walked over to Harry, "I jumped into a pool silly." Josh poked Harry's nose gently. Harry laughed, "I know. Was it cold?" "Very," Josh said and sat down in Harry's lap. "Ewe! Get off of me, you're wet," Harry laughed. Josh kissed Harry's check, "Why?"

"You're acting like a sluttly girlfriend," Harry laughed and pushed Josh off of him. "Rude," Josh gasped and sat down away from Harry. I sat down by Harry and rolled my eyes at Josh. "Josh, your turn." "Right," Josh coughed loudly before speaking again, "Harry truth or dare?" Harry sighed, "Dare." "I dare you to take a sharpie and go draw a dick on Cameron's face without waking him up." Harry's eyes grew, "No!" "You have to, it's a dare," I laughed.

Harry groaned and grabbed a sharpie before getting up and walking across the hall to Cameron's room. Josh stood outside the door to watch. I just stayed in the room with Niall. "What the hell! Harry get the fuck off of me! Josh!" I laughed quietly and looked outside of the door. Cameron was standing the hall staring at Josh. He looked pissed. "He's drunk Cameron," I laughed. "Are you serious," Cameron put his hands on his hips. I nodded, "And so is Harry so they're playing Truth or Dare. I'm sorry." Cameron just nodded and walked to the bathroom.

Josh just smiled like an idiot, "Harry's turn." "Liam, truth or dare," Harry smirked. "Tru-" Harry rudely cut me off to say something very annoying. "I swear to god if you pick truth I will stab your dick," Harry said. Josh just nodded. I'm guessing that's his way of saying he agrees with Harry. "Fine, dare," I rolled my eyes.

"Chug this beer," Josh smirked and handed me a beer. "I don't drink," I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Why do you still wear this," Harry asked and grabbed my ring off my finger. "Are you two still dating," Josh gasped. "No. He's dating Kevin," I sighed. "But you still like him because you wear the ring," Harry crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't like him Harry!" "I change my dare. I now dare you too throw away the ring." "But-" Harry cut me off, "If you don't do it means you still love him." I got up off the floor and walked to the window. "Liam, you know you don't have to do it," Niall finally said something. I looked at him, "I know. But he cheated Niall, I shouldn't hang onto this stupid ring anyways."

"What would Ashton say," Niall asked. I just froze. "Niall you don't understand-" "Clearly I do Harry. If I was Louis I would be mad at Liam for throwing the ring away because he probably spent a lot of money on it and if I was Ashton I was get really sad." Josh got up and walked over to me. He opened the window and grabbed my ring.

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