8. Zayn

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Chapter 8. Zayn

                              I knocked on Joey and Niall's door and waited for an answer. I promised Joey I would drive them somewhere. Joey didn't tell me where they needed to go but he said he will tell me when I get here. I don't know why Joey can't drive himself. I think it's pretty stupid. I wasn't doing anything anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter. The door opened, "Zaynie!" "Hey Ni" I smiled. Niall hugged me tightly and I hugged back. I looked over Niall's shoulder and saw Joey. He looked pissed. I let go of Niall, "You okay?" He nodded, "I just missed you." Niall giggled and walked over to the couch and he started to watch whatever was on TV.

                         Joey waved me over and I walked over to him. He pulled me into Niall's room. "Why do you look so pissed" I asked. "I'm not. Niall's having one of those days where his mood swings are acting up. So one minute he's all happy then the other he's all sad or angry. I don't know what to do" Joey sighed. "Well he's in a good mood now" I shrugged. "Not for long. We need to take him to his counselor. That's why I called you." "I have to take him" I asked. "No, we both are. But you're better with him, you make him happy" Joey bit his lip. "I only make him happy when his mood is always changing" I raised my eyebrow. "Exactly" Joey smiled. "Alright" I sighed and walked out of Niall's room. I walked into the living room and Niall was crying.

                         "Baby, what's wrong" Joey asked. "D-Don't talk to me" Niall sobbed. I sat on the couch next to Niall and pulled him into me. He cried into my chest, "T-The dog died!" I looked at the TV and it was on some Disney movie and the dog was dead. "Baby, it's only a movie" Joey said softly. Niall looked up at Joey, "But h-he's still dead!" "No, it's a Disney movie Ni. The dog will somehow come back alive" I smiled. "You promise" Niall sniffled. "I promise. Now, let's get you dressed for you can go for a trip." "Where we going" Niall asked. "It's a surprise" Josh said calmly. Niall nodded and got off the couch. He walked into his room and closed the door behind him. "He cried about a dog dying" I mumbled. Joey sighed, "I think he's getting worse." "Has he cut himself lately" I asked. "Not sense last week. I don't know what's triggering him to be so sad" Josh bit his lip. Niall's phone was on the coffee table. I grabbed it and unlocked it. "Zayn! You can't go through his phone" Joey frowned.

                                I ignored Joey and went to Niall's messages. None from Josh, Liam or Harry. I went to his calls. There was a couple from Josh. I called him. "Niall-" "It's Zayn. What the hell do you want from Niall" I asked. "I just wanted to talk to him" Josh sighed. "You better leave Niall the hell alone. You hurt him enough Josh. Back the fuck off" I growled. "No Zayn, it's not like that!" "Z-Zayn, why are you yelling at J-Joshie" Niall sniffled. I looked up and saw Niall. "Baby, it's fine" Joey sighed and got up. Niall flinched away from Joey, "Did you take my phone?" I put Niall's phone down after hanging up with Josh. "Why would you touch my phone" Niall yelled.

                             "Baby, calm down. He was just trying to help." "I don't need your fucking help! I am fine! Now Josh won't talk to me again because of you! Thanks alot Zayn! I fucking hate you" Niall yelled and flipped over a table. "Niall! Calm down" I yelled. "Don't tell me to calm down! You just ruined my whole life" Niall yelled as he kept destroying the house. "Niall, you need to stop" Joey said and tried to grab Niall's hands. Niall had tears rushing down his face, "He ruined everything!" I walked over to Niall and grabbed his hands, "Look at me." "No!" "Look at me Niall!" He slowly looked at me. "Calm down. You're going to be okay" I said calmly. "No i'm not" Niall shook his head. "Yes you are. Just calm down buddy" I sighed. Niall sighed and let go of my hands. He wiped his tears away, "I-I'm sorry." "It's okay." "Joey, i'm sorry I did this. Zayn i'm sorry for being a bitch. If I wasn't here-" "But you are here Niall. Don't think about not being here" Joey sighed.

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