The Sexy Bully

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God, he was hot.

No, he was an asshole!

A hot one

No just an asshole!

I continued arguing with myself for the rest of lunch as I stared at Miles and his group of followers who sat only two tables down from me but couldn't have been more disconnected.

"Miles! That gay kid is staring at you again." One of the guys announced making me blush a deep crimson and look away only proving the accusation.

"Maybe he wants to talk." I unexpected heard Miles reply.


Sure enough not two seconds later the chair across from me was pulled back by one tan muscular arm and Miles Thomson sat before me. I looked over at his table as if to check if the real Miles was really sitting at my table. Sure enough the only people there now were the faces of his gawking friends.

I would be gawking to if I were them. What was Miles doing here?

"How long are you just going to stare?" Miles questioned when I finally looked at him.

I stammered for an apology but he held up a finger to his lips in a 'shhh' gesture. "I don't want an apology. I want answers. How long do you plan on starring?"

I swallowed dryly unsure of how to answer.

"Your face is going to melt if you blush any harder." He commented before pulling out his notebook and a pen and writing something down.

Once done writing he slid the folded paper and slid it to my side of the table.

"How 'bout we put that stareing to good use?  Meet me there at 5 pm tomorrow." He stood and walked away without another word.

I quickly snatched up the paper and read it greedily. To my increased curiosity the note had an address and said to bring my art supplies..odd, but I was down for anything that got me two inches closer to the sexy boy.


When five o'clock came around I was nervously standing at the door of a red bricked colonial style home. I rang the doorbell once and waited a moment for a middle-aged woman to open the door. She looked beautiful, there was no doubt in my mind that this was Miles mother.

"Hello?" She made her greeting into a question unsure as to why I was ringing her bell.

"Hello ma'am, is Miles home?" I asked politely as possible.

"Oh! Are you a friend of his? He never brings them around this is a pleasant surprise." She gushed.

I blushed profusely at her attention.

"Aww! You're so adorable!" She reached out and pinched my cheek as if i were a toddler."

"Leave him alone ma'. Come on Picasso lets head up." Miles came down the stairs surprising both me and his mother.

"My name's Van Gogh," I mumbled abashed.

"Van Gogh? Like the painter?" His mother questioned before I could pass.

I blushed and nodded.

"Is that like your nickname since your clearly an artist?" She asked gesturing to my sketch pad and art pencils.

"No, not a nickname. His parents actually named him that." Miles cuts in before I could respond. "Let's go up. Mom don't bother us for a while ok? I'm helping him with some art project."

"Ok honey have fun." She waved us off and walked off.

"Let's go. I only have an hour before I have to go." Miles says leading me to a very plain looking bedroom.

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