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{Section 6 Focus}

2125: Aboard the wreckage of the re-worked escape pod

I woke up tired, exhausted, and hungry. I was extremely confused, I wasn't sure what was happening why I was there or what I should be doing. I then looked over to the view hatch, I looked through it, there it was the stars and colors. It was there is beautiful aroma filled the sky like clouds and the sky line back home, it was so filled with vibrant life I almost couldn't handle it, it was really something to see, It looked as though some of the brightest and most vibrants colors in the world had been spilled onto paper, and stars glitter throughout it. Then I see it, the burning corpse of a ship, LightSpeed 1, everything. Gone. Burnt to nothing. Humanity. The last memories of my family, humanity itself was burning with that ship. I felt like I was dying with that ship. What purpose did I have without it? It was my job to have gotten that thing where it needed to go, and we didn't even get close.

A beeping came up on my console, the last one that was still working apparently. I was being pulled into some unknown, planet, or moon's orbit. I wasn't sure how much more of a beating this escape pod could take. But did it matter? Why would it? Dying by this point felt like no more than a paper cut, it doesn't matter. I could have fought it, I could have just activated thrust to escape it. But why would I? What point would that have? What good would anything I still do have? I didn't even fight it, the beeping got louder, and louder, and louder. I just turned it off. The silence really wasn't what I imagined would be the last thing I hear. My eyes suddenly felt like weights, and I dozed off, into a seemingly infinite sleep.

I woke up, miraculously. I really wouldn't have expected that. I got up under a bunch of junk that flew out from all the internals of the pod. I was on a planet. I hadn't just burned into a flame with the pod. That was really something. I sat there just doing nothing, I wondered if I should go outside and take a look, or should I just sit here and let everything sip away. I decided I would just go check it out, I pressed the oxygen reader, it said it was alright enough to be out there. I opened up the hatch to my pod I climbed out. I walked out and looked up, and It had to be the most awe inspiring thing that I had ever seen.

I was on a beach, I looked around a bunch and by the looks of it the planet was almost entirely made up of beaches, small little coastal islands with shallow water between them, then I looked up, there was no sky, no sort of clouds, just space with the faint glow of the blue sun, this planet or moon wherever I was didn't have the figure eight orbit like the panet we were on. I took off my glove and put my hand on the warm sand, it felt like I was home, like completely home. The sand felt like i was holding memories hand, or as if I was touching the life I used to know.

It was the best damn feeling I had a had in a long time. Then I felt a little brush of water wave over my hand, It's cold touch made my warm hand feel chilly but drenched. I almost lost it, I felt almost like I was just, home. My hand had a tingly feeling the cold touch of the water, a crisp and chilly feeling filled my body, something I hadn't felt in a very long time.

I had been there for an hour and the sun was setting, I grabbed some food from my pod and ate by the coast line, where the short watery waves met the sand, I had measured the deepest section of the water and it only measured about 2-3 feet so it wasn't like I would be doing some olympic swimming to get back and forth. It was nice, to be able to just sit there and think. To be able to simply just eat and feel the breeze on my body and the sand under my feet. Trista would have loved this. Devan hated sand, and didn't enjoy water to much, so its not exactly the kinda place he would wanna be but Trista, she would've loved everything about it, the breeze, the water the palm trees, the grass. Everything would have been ideal. This was like the best place on Earth but as an entire planet. No pollution, No riots, no death, just quite.

I really dont think I've ever seen anything this nice. I couldn't emphasis enough, how much I loved this. Soon it was night, but it really looked the same, but there just wasn't as much light on the planet itself. I decided maybe I should start to set up camp. So I went into the pod grabbed the crates of food. I then went and grabbed the inflatable H.A.B. This one was much smaller so it would be only a few minutes. The food stocks looked like they were set for about a month, And there was plenty of farming supplies to work with.

The habs hissing of inflation stopped and the door console went online, I put in the code word and it opened up. I the door slid open and I walked it, I just needed to start up the main power and it would work relatively well. I had counted 2 lights damaged by the crash. I went to the room and put everything on, it was solar powered so power would most likely have to be pretty well conserved. I looked around found my bunk and layed down. I layed there just looking up at the top light. It then hit me. About humanity being gone, my friends, family just gone. I was too tired to think about that right now, and I had some work to do tomorrow.

I woke up to a beeping, I thought it was an alarm but I haven't set one so that couldn't be it, I then started to look around for what caused it. I walked through the main corridor, then went to the center console. I looked through it a bit and found a pollution alert. "What the hell...?" I said aloud. What could be causing pollution?

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