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~Sorry for not updating in awhile~


It was 3 in the morning and the song was done. They had recorded and edited it. And even though they were drunk, it still came out good. It had Lu and Jungmin on vocals and Kris rapping.

They had all gone on Twitter and Instagram and posted that they collabed on a song and that it would be out at 8am.

~Time skip~

It was now 8:07am and they had just released their song.

EXO couldn't believe their eyes. They thought they were dreaming. Jungmin had made a song with Kris and Lu. Everyone was looking around at each other. The only one who was not in the room was Sehun.

To their dismay that's exactly who came downstairs to see his hyungs all sitting together with tears in their eyes.

Sehun walked over to them and looked over Kai's shoulder to see what all the fuss was about. What Sehun saw made him feel like he had just gotten stabbed in the chest.

All you saw on the room was 9 men with tears slowly rolling down their faces. They hoped this was not want they were thinking. They didn't want to loose another member.


3rd person p.o.v
Jungmin, Kris and Luhan had woken up around 5pm after staying up all night. They all had terrible hangovers.
Luckily Kris had some medicine ment for these such things.

~Time skip~
// by the way it's winter\\

Its now Sunday morning and Lu's manager said he could go on Wednesday. They had 2 more days with each other. Or would it be longer?


The Next Day

All of EXO had woken up with a terrible feeling in their chests. They were all scared that Jungmin was going to leave. Especially a certain maknae. But even though Sehun knew that Jungmin was doing this for him, he still felt like he needed to see Luhan at least one last time.

Chanyeol was fuming mad. Mad at Sehun specifically. Jungmin was doing this for HIM and Sehun was still greedy enough to not even care. All he wanted was Luhan. Chanyeol felt betrayed my the groups youngest member. Did Sehun not know that Jungmin didn't have yo do this. But he was because he loved him.

The three Chinese men were still sitting in Kris's studio. They were just talking about random things. They were all really happy how the song turned out. And Jungmin really didn't care what SM did to him once they got back to Korea. He knew that he would have Kris and Lu to be with. Also throughout the whole trip, Jungmin barely thought on Sehun. In fact when he did, all the felt was pain, and he didn't like that. But right now the three of the were video chatting with Tao. Currently Tao was in America. But need travels fast especially within a worldwide fandom. Zitao really liked the song that they produced. He told them that he was actually on a plane right now and that he would he back in China in a few hours.

Jungmin was really happy that he was going to he able to see another one of his friends that he hasn't seen in forever.

~Time skip~

Yifan, Lu and Jungmin were on their way to the airport to pick up their friend. Right when Tao got off of the plane there were screams of excitement from the fangirls. Once the panda saw his friends he immediately smiled. And when the fangirl saw that it was not only Tao but Lu, Yifan, and Jungmin, they had to be ushered out as quickly as possible so that they wouldn't get trampled over.

Once they got in the car the driver drive fast so that they could get out of the airport parking lot.

"Its so nice to see you guys again" Zitao said.
"Yeah I missed you" Jungmin leaned over and hugged the other.

The rest of the ride the 4 had spent the ride catching up on old times. Zitao had told them about his new album and how much he loved it. The other to boys agreed, but Jungmin didn't know what it was like to just go off and do what you want. But he wanted to. To go anywhere he had to get special permission and he wasn't even allowed to pick his parts in the songs. SM picked for him and usually he didn't get a very big part.

They had once again reached Kris's studio. They all agreed to spend the last day of Jungmin being in China together. They were all gonna go out to eat and shopping.

Jungmin felt happy here with his friends. It was nice to see them. He wasn't thinking about EXO or his manager or his fans. Not even Sehun. He was content with what he was doing.

'I could get use to this' he thought.


>Here ya go, hope it doesn't suck to bad! I stopped for Christmas but I'm back

They will be going shopping in the next chapter.<

Will Jungmin want to go back to Korea or will he stay with Luhan, Tao, and Yifan in China.

Will Sehun ever truly love him?
Will EXO ever see their rapper again?
Will Jungmin ever confess his love to Kris?

You'll have to follow the story to find out.

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