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Sorry I haven't updated this in a long time but here it is!


Jungmin p.o.v

I had woken up from an awful nightmare. I reached over to the table next to me and grabbed my phone.


Oh god why so early?
Then it hit me.
I'm going back to Korea today.

Oh boy.....

I layed back down and tried to fall asleep again. But unfortunately that wasn't going to happen.

I felt my body trembling
I was going to see my friends again.

The first thing I though was 'Chanyeols gonna be pissed'
And Sehun.....


Someone was shaking me and not lightly
"Jung wake up"

Seriously? This early? Why won't the world work with me for once.
This is stressful enough as it is without waking up at an ungodly hour.

"Come on dude get the hell up your flight is in a couple hours"

I finally had the strength to open my eyes. And I was met with
a sleep-deprived looking Tao
above me.

"Ok ok I'm up" I said trying to sit up without falling back over.

When I finally had the muscle to walk into the kitchen there was a little panda rummaging through the cabinets.

"Oh good you're up" Tao said when he eventually turned around.

"Do you know how to cook?"

"Not really" I responded.
"Why can't you just wait for Lu?"

Luhan and Kris were still sleeping I assume. So what am I gonna do with a hungry panda?

"Why don't we wait a little bit and watch TV before we wake him up hm?" I suggested. We all needed a good night sleep. But sadly that didn't happen for me or Tao.

"Yeah I guess" He shut the cubbard and we went to the living room.


About a half hour later a sleepy looking Luhan stumbled into the lounge room of the house.

I guess he didn't expect to see us or something because he looked like he was going to fall over when he opened his eyes completely.

"Ge there you are please make some food" Tao looked like he was going to pounce on Luhan.

"Yeah sure" He walked into the kitchen still seeming half asleep.

"Damn children can't make their own food" We heard this whisper to himself.

"I'm going to go help him." I told Tao while getting up from my seat. All I got was a hum in response but he was really interested in the show we were watching for one of the old shows on this early.

Sehun p.o.v

I lay still and silent in bed.

I can hear the other guys downstairs, probably eating or playing video games.

Today is the day Jungmin said that he was coming home and I'm hoping he keeps his promise.

This whole trip he was on has made me realize some things.

1. I'm an asshole for putting him through that

2. I love him

But why now? Why didn't I realize before he left. That way he wouldn't have gone in the first place. The smallest knock had been heard from across the room.

"Sehun?" A small voice came from outside the door.


"Hyung said it's time for breakfast"

Footsteps faded away as they walked down the stairs.

After debating on whether or not to actually get out of bed for what seemed liked 20 minutes. I decided that I should.

As I made my way down the stair the smell of pancakes filled my nostrils. As expected there was Kyungsoo hyung standing behind the stove.

He greeted me with a smile and I returned it but it didn't touch my eyes.

In the living room was Chen hyung and Xiumin playing whatever video games that they do. I walked over and sat down next to Kai hyung who was stuffing his face with hyung's pancakes.

It was a perfectly nice, normal, happy morning. Exept for one thing.

Jungmin should be here with us...

Ok well I couldn't think of anything else currently

But I'll be updating again soon

Hope ya enjoyed it

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