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Luhan luckily had a pull out sofa bed which Jungmin ended up sleeping on. But he fine with that. He didn't want to be ungrateful. But that night he was thinking if Sehun was ok or not.

He had a dream that night about Kris and himself. Now Jungmin had always had feelings for Kris, yet he never fully got over them. He always wished that Kris would come back to him. But he knew that he wouldn't. Now that he was reunited with Yifan, all those emotions started coming back

For the better or for the worse?

3rd person p.o.v
Sehun had woken up around 2am panting and sweating. He had a dream that Jungmin would stay in China. He walked downstairs in the dark quietly, trying not to wake anyone up.

When he reached the living room he picked up his phone. (He loft it down there that night) he went on Twitter and all he kept seeing was pictures of HIS Jungmin with Kris and Luhan. Of course Jungmin wasn't his yet because he didn't have the courage to tell him. And he was still mourning the leaving of Luhan. But he still loved Luhan so much. But if he stayed there to be with Lu or Yifan, he was definitely going to lose it.

He slowly walked back upstairs with tears streaming down his face. He went back in his room and cried his heart out.

3rd person p.o.v
That night Jungmin had slept the best he had in awhile. Why? Because he didn't need to worry about anything right now. No practice. No concerts. Not feeling guilty and Luhan had agreed to talk to the maknae.

He woke up at 10:00 to the smell of pancakes. He loves pancakes. Especially Kyungsoo hyung's, he makes the best. He slowly got up and walked into the kitchen to see Luhan standing at the stove making breakfast.

"Morning Jung" He said. "Morning, hey what time did you get up?" Jungmin asked.

"About 8, that's when I usually get up. You must have slept really good because when I got up, I guess the remote was on the ground and I stepped on it. The TV turned on blasting yet you were still asleep." Lu said while laughing.

"Hmhm" he hummed in response.
Luhan put some pancakes on his plate and thanked him. They both sat in the living room watching some random funny movie and sharing stories. Jungmin was so happy. Everything was going good for once.

~Time skip~

Its currently noon and Kris is coming to pick up him and Lu. Their going to his studio.

The ride was fun, they put the radio on and sang along to them. Luhan and Jungmin laughing when Yifan tried to sing the high notes. People in other cars looking at them weird, but they didn't care, they were having fun and that's all that mattered right now.

They arrived at Kris's studio a little while later. All three still toppled over full of laughter.

Once they got inside it took them a few minutes to calm down. Then they started randomly playing around with songs, making them either sound really stupidly high or low. They spent the whole day laughing.

It was about 5pm and the three boys were sitting around surrounded by beer cans. They had gotten drunk out of their minds.

Suddenly Luhan had said "I really liked your guys' new song"

Jungmin looked up at him smiling "Thanks, but I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get more lines" He said truthfully. Now he is part of the rap and vocal line yet he rarely gets a nice sized part.

"See that's one of the reasons that I left kid, they always had given the main vocals to Kyungsoo, Baek, and Chen. Not that they aren't good, I mean I can't sing like that but they barely give anything to Minseok and Junmyeon. And then all of the rapping mostly went to Chanyeol."

"I agree. Your really good Jung, we know your voice, you shoupd be given more. It's not fair." Lu said.

"I know, like a love my hyungs and dongseangs but I get nothing while they get everything." He actually couldn't believe what he had said. He always thought that bit never had the guys to say in aloud.

"You know what, let's do our own song. It'll be way better" Said Kris. "Yeah I agree" yelled Lu pitting his hand high up onto the air. "I third, let's do it!"

Now because they were drunk, Jungmin wasn't thing what SM might do to him. Or what their fans would say.

For the next few hours they all discussed what the song should be about. They finally decided on a song about the world not being fair.
It would be titled
"The World doesn't Care"

~Time skip #tolazy ~

It was 3 in the morning and the song was done. They had recorded and edited it. And even though they were drunk, it still came out good. It had Lu and Jungmin on vocals and Kris rapping.

They had all gone on Twitter and Instagram and posted that they collabed on a song and that it would be out at 8am.

~Time skip~

It was now 8:07am and they had just released their song.

EXO couldn't believe their eyes. They thought they were dreaming. Jungmin had made a song with Kris and Lu. Everyone was looking around at each other. The only one who was not in the room was Sehun.

To their dismay that's exactly who came downstairs to see his hyungs all sitting together with tears in their eyes.

Sehun walked over to them and looked over Kai's shoulder to see what all the fuss was about. What Sehun saw made him feel like he had just gotten stabbed in the chest.

All you saw on the room was 9 men with tears slowly rolling down their faces. They hoped this was not want they were thinking. They didn't want to loose another member.

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