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"Lu-ge!" Yifan said his voice moving throughout the buffet, his larger frame hiding mine.

"Over here Yifan," came Luhan's voice. "This icecream is amazing! You should get some."

I swallowed, my hands perspiring.

"Luhan-gege," I said keeping my voice flat. He froze as I moved out from behind Kris.

"What are you doing here Jungmin," he said his eyes betraying his calm and collected voice.

"I think it's time we had a talk."


"What are you doing in China Jungmin?" he asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I came her to talk to you about Sehun, it's really serious Lu-gege. He's not eating or drinking anything. And I need your help."

"Why should I help you, you've been nothing but selfish since we left. Not even one bit of support?" Luhan said

"What can I do to make it up to you? Please I really need your help. I'll do anything to make things right between us." I said with pleading eyes

"Alright, I'll tell you what I want" he said. He stood up right in front of me. I felt so intimidated becuas of course he's taller than me. Why do I have to be so short?

He just stood there. Looking at me. I was going to ask what he wanted but I was worried if I did i would ruin my chances of getting his help, so I just stood their quiet.

"I want the same thing that you gave Kris, a heartfelt apology." he said staring into my soul.

"Wait, how did you know that I apologized to Kris-gege?" I asked.

He sighed and picked up his phone. He then showed me and Kris a picture of me down on both knees apologizing to him. "News travels fast Jungmin" he said putting his phone back down.

Kris moved behind Luhan. I got down on both knees, again.

"Lu-gege, I'm sorry for what I said and did to you. It wasn't right of me to do that, and I'm really sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm asking for it with all my heart." I said keeping my head down.

"Get up" he said. I slowly stood up and looked him right in the eyes. He then embraced me in a hug. I was kinda shocked but I hugged back immediately.

"I'm so sorry Lu" I said with tears in my eyes. They were my closest friends and what i did was terrible.

"It's ok I forgive you, that's all I wanted" he said. Soon Kris, Lu, and myself were all just standing there hugging each other.


All the boys back at the dorm were still in shock at what they had just seen. That's when all their phones started going off again. It was Twitter.

And there it was. Jungmin not only apologized to Kris but to Luhan as well. There was a picture of him on the ground in front of the 2 older boys.

Suho was the first to see it. He looked up at the rest of his band members with appalled eyes. They all looked at their leader with concern.

They couldn't believe that this was actually happening.


"So what's the exact problem?" Kris asked after we all had sat down.

"Its out maknae. He's not eating or drinking unless Chanyeol or I force him to. And he's barely sleeping. He doesn't move from either his room or the one spot on the couch. And we're all super concerned. I figured that your the only one who can do anything. Please Lu-gege." I said

"I don't know, Jungmin. I mean I want to help. But will SM even let me near you guys?" He asked

"Does it matter? We won't know until we try. Please. I'm begging you" I had never begged in my life but that's how serious I was.

They both looked at me dumbfounded. Lu-gege's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head.

"Okay I'll go see him as soon as possible. I promise" he said.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me." I said while smiling like I had never before.

We all stood up and exchanged hugs.

"Wait where are you going?" I turned around. "I was going to go home"

"You just got here. Stay with us until Lu-gege can go with you.

Even though I wanted to such home to see Sehun again. But I haven't seen Kris and Lu in so long. I decided to stay with them until the 3 of us could go.


About an hour later Chanyeol had gotten a text from Jungmin saying that he was going to stay in China for a while. He asked why but didn't get a response.

"What if Jungmin-hyung likes it better in China?" Sehun asked to no one in particular. They all turned to look at him.

"I mean he's really talented and half Chinese, so I'm sure a company would hire him on the spot" they all looked at the maknae with saddened eyes.

None of them really knew what to say because that was true. What if he did like it better There? He might not come back.

It turned awakwarly quiet on the EXO dorm

Time skip~

The rest of the day Jungmin spent with Lu and Kris. They went site seeing all over China. Jungmin had even seen some new parts of China that he had never before.

Luhan and Kris had contacted their managers that they needed to go to South Korea as soon as possible. They were both told that they would be able to go next week. Jungmin would be staying at Luhans house until they could go.

"Well that was really fun. I really missed you guys it was fun being with you." He said.

~Time skip~

Jungmin had said his goodbyes to Kris and then Luhan and Jungmin made their way to the olders house.


Chanyeol had gotten a text from Jungmin that nightsaying that he wouldn't be back until next week.

All of the EXO members were wanted Jungmin back. But they new that he would only stay there if it was nessicary. They were just hoping that he wouldn't leave them too.

That night Sehun could barely even close his eyes because he was to worried that the only person that he loves might leave him to be with his first love.


Luhan luckily had a pull out sofa bed which Jungmin ended up sleeping on. But he fine with that. He didn't want to be ungrateful. But that night he was thinking if Sehun was ok or not.

He had a dream that night about Kris and himself. Now Jungmin had always had feelings for Kris, yet he never fully got over them. He always wished that Kris would come back to him. But he knew that he wouldn't. Now that he was reunited with Yifan, all those emotions started coming back

For the better or for the worse?

~I will update again either later or tomorrow, hope you like it~


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