Pens, Pets & Pluto (Logicality)

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So, fun fact about me, I LOVE soulmate AUs. A lot. So if I ever have no requests to do and no ideas, I'll probably write a soulmate AU. This is one of those days (surprise). The AU I'm using for this one is the 'Whatever your soulmate enjoys/loves will appear as a drawing on your wrist, and when you meet them the drawings burn' AU (it's also a highschool AU). Hope you like it!

Patton's POV:

'So.... What d'you think it is?' my friend, Virgil, asked. We were sitting in the school canteen, staring at a new drawing on my wrist. It had just... Appeared, in the middle of class. It had been a while since I got my last drawing – I had forgotten just how much it hurt.

'I dunno. It kinda looks like a circle', I said, looking down at my wrist. The drawing was round, with a kind of line going through the middle. The line had a wierd bump on it, like a drawing of a heart.

'Guess your soulmate must feel pretty strongly about shapes then', he smirked, starting on his lunch. 'What else could it be?'

I shrugged, and began counting my drawings. So far I had four – an open book, what looked like some letters in another language, a lightbulb, and now this new one. Me and Virgil had decided that the letters could be their name in some language they're  learning. Or the only language they speak, but I was hoping for the first one.

I soon started daydreaming about who my soulmate could be – girl, boy, tall, short, blue or brown eyes, redhead or blonde – when the bell marking the end of break jarred me from my thoughts.

'Hey, what do you think's on your soulmate's wrist?', I asked him as we walked to our next class. Virgil preferred to cover up his drawings with makeup, but he did have some. A lot, actually... Well, more than me, at least.

He shrugged absentmindedly. 'Don't know... Maybe headphones?'

I smiled. 'Y'know, I think Roman has a picture of headphones on his –'

'Don't even finish that sentence, Patt', he cut across me. 'I've told you, like, a million times, I'm not letting you set me up! Especially not with Roman Prince'. He made a face somewhere between disgust and exasperation. 'He's not even my type, let alone my soulmate'.

That made me snort with laughter. 'Oh, so you have a type now?' He nodded.

'It's the "Anyone but Roman Prince" type'. I was about to tease him some more, when we got to the classroom and had to leave to our assigned seats. It was the last class of the day, so I told him goodbye until tomorrow since I  walked home and he took the bus.


Logan's POV:

I had just finished school for the day, and was passing the local grocery store when I decided to go in and buy some sugary food with what little change I had.

As I walked to the correct aisle, I opened my history book and started to read over my notes from that day, so as to be prepared for any surprise tests my teacher might want to give the class. It didn't faze me to look up, as I came to this exact shop once a week, so knew the route to take to get to the chocolate. I would trust that anyone shopping at the same time as myself would have the sense to manoeuvre around me.

This was, however, one of the rare times I was wrong, as almost exactly as I turned the corner to the chocolate aisle, I slammed straight into someone, our heads bashing together before we both fell backwards. Both my glasses and my book flew into the air, skidding across the floor on landing.

'Oh, my gosh, are you okay? Holy shmokes, I'm so sorry, that's my fault, I wasn't – ow!' I couldn't identify the person speaking to me without my glasses, but judging by their voice I had knocked into a boy around my own age. As he yelped in pain, I suddenly noticed a burning feeling in my wrist.

I squinted to see what was wrong, but could make nothing out without my glasses. 'Excuse me, but would you mind picking up my glasses?', I sighed.

'Uh – Uhm, sure...' the boy said, but instead of handing them to me, he placed them on my face for me. Once I could see again, I took the boy's hand to get up, and noticed the burning was still there. Looking at my wrist, I finally connected the dots as I saw the tattoos on the burning area.

I slowly raised my head to look at him, taking note for the first time of my company's appearance. He was slightly shorter than me, and his light-brown eyes were hidden behind round glasses. He had a faint spray of freckles over his nose and cheeks, and was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt with a grey cardigan tied around his shoulders, and tan trousers, and was looking at me with the kind of smile that could melt the entire contents of a freezer. Well, figuratively speaking. 

'Uhm.. Hey. My name's Patton, and I guess we're soulmates now, huh?' he laughed nervously. 'Did you hit your head hard?'

'No, I'm fine, Patton', I let a small smile grace my lips, which was returned tenfold. However, said smile was soon replaced with a look of confusion.

'Hey, if you're my soulmate, then, what're these?' he asked, sticking his arm out for me to see his wrist. He was pointing to two drawings in particular.

'Ah, this one –', I gestured to two Chinese letters, '– Is Luò gēn, it means Logan in Chinese. That would be my name. And this one –' I pointed at a familiar drawing of a planet, '– That is Pluto'.

'Pluto? Didn't that used to be a planet?' he asked, and though he obviously meant no harm by it, he accidentally sent me into a small rant.

'That's the thing, though, if Pluto is not a planet, then one could argue that, technically speaking, that would mean that neither is Earth. Or even Jupiter. See, in 2006, the IAU decided that a planet must be "a celestial body which is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium – nearly round – shape, and must have achieved gravitational dominance throughout it's vicinity". Pluto only met the first two of these demands, and was demoted to dwarf planet. But with the amount of near-Earth asteroids in our vicinity – 12,000 – my argument is that if Pluto is not a planet, then neither is Earth!' I smiled triumphantly at him, only to have the smile slip off my face at the look of pure confusion on his.

'Y'know, I think you might've just said something really smart or important. It's a shame it had to be wasted on me', he laughed. 'So your name's Logan?' I nodded. 'I like that name. So, anyway, Logan, I'm here for ice cream, do you wanna share some?' after I agreed, he insisted on buying my chocolate for me. I was about to refuse when he said, 'No. It's the least I can do for my soulmate, after all!'

The cashier at the desk seemed to know I had just met my soulmate – perhaps she had overheard our conversation – and smiled encouragingly at me. I returned it, and hurried after Patton who was waiting at the door. As we were walking out, he asked to see my wrist, and laughed at the picture of a cat in the middle.

'Do you own a cat?', I asked, since I had a pet bird, Aves, and had seen her on his wrist, I assumed that must be his cat.

'What? Oh, no, I'm allergic'.
'Then why –?'
'I like cats!'

Okay, I hope you liked that one! I will admit, it took me a while to write this one since I had to research the whole Pluto thing, and in case you haven't guessed, I, like Logan, think that Pluto should still be a planet. Call me stupid if you like, but it has an atmosphere and everything! Viva la Pluto!

On another note, I'm sorry that I got this out late (again), and with my Christmas exams coming up at school, I've decided to rethink my update schedule. I'll only be able to upload a chapter once instead of twice a week because of studying, and I'll be updating every Wednesday. I also don't think I'll be going back to my previous schedule after the exams are over either, unless (maybe) it's a holiday or a  special chapter. So sorry if I disappointed anyone, but I really need to prepare for these exams. But, like always, if you have a request, just leave it in a comment and I'll get to it ASAP!

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