Prinxiety Soulmate AU

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(I don't know how to title anything anymore so this is the title for now) I'm so sorry it's taken this long to get a chapter out, I wasn't planning on being gone for so long! I was only supposed to be taking a small break, like for a week maybe, when I still had to worry about my exams, but then my family got the flu and I had to help them, then I got the flu, and.... Ugh, it doesn't matter, I'm so sorry about this!

Virgil's POV:

I watched Patton walk home, waiting for my bus. Hardly anyone else took it, which I liked. It meant that I wasn't forced to sit next to anyone, and could listen to my music in peace. I pulled my headphones out of my bag, and was about to put them on when I heard what sounded like a huge herd of kids walking over. Ugh.

Turning around, I saw that it was the school Drama club, yelling and laughing, and probably taking a hundred selfies a minute. Some of them were even belting the lyrics to a bunch of songs, probably from musicals I'd never heard of.

The group was being led by one kid in particular, a tall boy called Roman Prince, who Patton was obsessed with trying to get me together with. He had on a red and white varsity-style jacket, with a white button-up shirt and black jeans, and was wearing black heeled boots. He had dark brown hair that was slightly curly - kind of like the YouTuber Dan Howell's - and green eyes, and was currently leading the song being sung by most of the Drama kids.

Scowling, I pulled my headphones over my head and began blasting my music to drown out their singing.

Please don't be getting on, I hoped, crossing my fingers inside my pockets. 'Guess it's too late for that', I muttered as the bus pulled up and they all clambered on, leaving almost no seats. What were they even doing here anyway? Didn't they have practice today? Wait, how did I know that?

I ignored the question, sliding into one of the only seats with no one next to it near the front of the bus. I took the aisle seat, since I had learned from experience taking the window seat made people think they were basically invited to sit next to you.

The bus pulled out of the school grounds just as I pulled out my phone, but, instead of unlocking it, I dropped it onto the floor underneath my chair and gasped in pain. I stared at my wrist, pulling the sleeve down to see it better. I had make up covering them, but I knew exactly what was wrong.

Oh no. Not here. I was panicking now, because no way could I meet - whoever this guy was - on the school. Bus. Just no. I started looking around subconsciously for a way out, but I knew there was nowhere I could go. I wasn't going to jump off a moving bus, no matter how bad the alternative seemed.

I decided that, if I was meeting him there, he could get up and introduce himself first. He probably saw me drop my phone anyway and knew who I was.

A tiny voice in the back of my head wondered who it was, and I only barely noticed the hand underneath my chair picking up my phone. In fact, I only noticed anyone was there at all when the same hand grabbed the back of my chair next to my shoulder and a boy launched himself over the back of it to get to the seat beside me.

Well, that's one way to do that.

'You dropped this'. I looked to my right, and my entire set of internal organs felt like they had fallen out of me as I locked eyes with the one boy I had been both silently hoping would and would not be my soulmate.

Roman Prince had his hand slightly pointed out towards me, holding my phone in a way that was inviting me to take it from him. He was smiling cockily, but there was a hint of warmth behind it that the cockiness seemed less so. I awkwardly yanked my phone back as an uncomfortable, awkward silence settled in the air between us.

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