Bless You(Logicality)

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The idea for this one was given to me by a friend, and I hope it goes well since it's actually really cute and I don't want to ruin it...

Patton's POV:

I frowned to myself, weighing the two plastic boxes in my hands. I wanted to watch a Disney movie, but I couldn't decide between 'Robin Hood' and 'Pocahontas'. Ugh, why is it so hard to choose?!

I snapped my fingers as an idea came into my head. 'Hey, Logan? Can you come in here a sec?' I called down the hall.

'Patton? Is something the matter?' I could hear his voice getting louder and easier to understand as he moved from his room to the commons.

I shook my head, 'No, just need some help with something. "Robin Hood" or "Pocahontas"?' I asked, raising the DVD cases so he could see.

He pushed his glasses up on his face, thinking for a moment. 'Well, they are two very different stories. One is a fictional story with talking animals replacing people, the other is an awfully incorrect rendition of real historical events'. He sighed a bit at the look on my face. 'I'd go with "Robin Hood", at least that has some historical accuracy, even if it is filled with talking animals'.

I nodded, smiling as I popped the case open and walked to the TV. Sliding the disc into the DVD player, I noticed Logan trying to return to his room.

'Hey!' I pouted, grabbing hold of his hand just before he could pass through the door. I forced myself to digest the butterflies appearing in my stomach at the accidental gesture.

'Hey, you've been in that room for hours, I haven't even seen you at all today. Did you even have breakfast this morning?' I frowned at the look on his face. 'Nope. Nuh-uh. You are taking a break with me right now'.

'Patton, I really need to get back to work, it's....', his voice faded away seeing the look on my face. 'You're not going to let me work anymore, are you?' he sighed. 'Nope!' I pushed him gently in the direction of the couch. 'Now go on and get comfy whilst I make us some popcorn!'

Logan's POV:

I rolled my eyes as I listened to Patton humming to himself in the kitchen. I was studying something extremely important, I had to get back to it! Although... seeing Patton so concerned about my wellbeing was, nice, I suppose....

I snapped out of a daze I hadn't been aware of slipping into as the microwave's alarm began to buzz. I could hear the faint sound of shuffling and the clinking of bowls as Patton poured the popcorn into a bowl behind me, humming again.

He is adorable... I caught myself thinking. No, no I'm not doing this again. Why must emotions be so annoying? And persistent...

'Hey! Want some popcorn before we press play?'. I looked at the bowl and sighed. There was a huge pile of popcorn balancing dangerously over the edge of the bowl.

'Patton, there is no way we can both finish that and you know it' I told him.  'That's quitter's talk', he giggled, sitting down next to me. And by next to me I mean he squeezed himself as close to me as possible, balancing the bowl half on his lap and half on mine.

Patton seemed completely unfased by the sudden closeness, but I was figuratively screaming inside as he tucked his feet up, pointed the remote at the TV and began to play the movie.

Breathe, Logan, just remember to breathe.... Remember to breathe.. Oh my God oh my God oh my GOD.

Around thirty minutes into the movie, Patton began to curl into me more, and I had to catch the bowl so as it didn't fall.

Turning to look at him, I realized he had fallen asleep. The movie had barely even begun yet...

I felt my face heating up the longer I stared, and quickly forced myself to concentrate on the screen. I made myself stay as still as possible, not wanting to disturb the cute–no, not cute, sight. Not cute. I do not think Patton is cute. That would be absurd.

After a few moments of silence, bar the sound of the movie, I started to feel a strange tickling in the back of my nose. Oh, no.

I felt my face contort into different expressions, forcing myself not to sneeze. I was not going to wake Patton up. Absolutely not. I took a short, sharp breath, knowing if I breathed in too deeply it would make me sneeze. Which I am not going to do.

The movie soon made it to the credits, and I carefully pried the remote from Patton's grip and turned the TV off. He started to mumble, curling his two arms around my left one. Oh. My. God.

It was becoming even harder to keep from sneezing now, and i began to notice myself taking a deep breath as I shut my eyes. Damnit.


My head suddenly jerked forward, banging into my knees, and Patton's–which had been resting on my shoulder–smacked down to the other side of the couch behind me and hit the armrest.

'OW! Why?!' I could here him yelping behind me as we both sat up, him rubbing his temple and me rubbing my forehead.

'Sorry, Patton... You fell asleep, and I had to sneeze, so, ehm...' my words died out into silence as I tried to apologise. I was looking at the floor, embarrassed, until I heard something that made my head shoot up.

I turned to look at him, and almost fell off the couch at what was probably the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

Patton was curled up, clutching his stomach and eyes squeezed shut tighter than I would have thought possible, and he was letting out the loudest, most adorable laugh that I had ever heard.

He ended up falling onto his back, head rested on the armrest, and tears streaming out of his eyes from laughing so hard.

'It hurts. Oh, geez, it hurts', he panted, laughter dying down to a faint giggle. 'What's so funny?' I asked, annoyed.

He giggled even more, saying 'You're really sweet, Lo. You'll figure it out'.

What? That doesn't make sense..

Patton noticed that the movie had been turned off and gasped in mock anger. 'Logan! You saw me asleep and didn't pause it?! How could you?'

Now it was my turn to laugh. 'We can put it back on, if you'd like', I smiled, waving the remote. He jumped up and curled up into his original position as I replayed the movie from the start, knowing he wouldn't want me to fast-forward it.

'Hey, Logan?'
'... Bless you'.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. I think I already have been.

Hey! So, I hope you liked that, I've never written a Logicality one shot before, so I hope I did the oh-so-adorable ship justice. Sorry that I haven't updated for, like, a million years, I'm going to be completely honest here–I forgot. I'M SORRY!! I had a bit going on, I'm sorry....

Anyways, that prompt was given to me by @Captain_spaghetti, and I hope it went ok! If you want to request something, go ahead and comment it and I'll get it updated ASAP. Seriously, I will. I'm trying to sort out an update schedule, so hopefully I'll be updating weekly instead of monthly.

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