"Y/n? Is that you?" you hear a voice call from the other side of the room. Glancing over, you recognize your childhood friend Michael Clifford grinning at you. There were three other guys at his side that you didn't recognize.
"Mikey!" you shout, running over to envelop him in a long embrace. You pull away, ruffling his newly pink-tinted hair because you know it annoys him. "Ugh, I haven't seen you in forever."
"You say that like it's a bad thing," he jokes, his thick Australian accent making you smile. "What?" he asks, seeing your look of amusement.
"Nothing. You're just so cute and awkward. Anyways, who are your friends?" You gesture to the boys behind him. One, who has blonde hair and a lip ring, is looking away awkwardly as if unsure what to do. The curly-headed one is grinning and checking out all the girls walking by the coffee house where you're now seated, and the third, an attractive brunette in skinny jeans and a cropped t-shirt showcasing his muscular arms is staring at you openly, only averting his eyes when he realizes you've noticed him.
"Oh, these are my band mates. Luke," he gestures to the blonde one, who waves awkwardly, still distracted, "Ashton," he indicated the flirtatious one, "and Calum." That's the cute one. "Lads, this is y/n. She's a family friend"
"Hiya," Ashton replies enthusiastically.
Calum is still staring at you, so you smile shyly at him in return. He blushes, looking flustered to have been caught once again. "Hey there, y/n."
You blush as Mikey steers the conversation in another direction, obviously feeling the tension in the air. "Hey, y/n/n, wanna hang out later? We can play FIFA."
"Sure. I'm always down for a game of FIFA." Hearing this, Calum grins and turns to Ashton, whose previously cheerful expression was now twisted into a grimace.
"Hear that, Ash? Not everyone hates FIFA as much as you." You smile, knowing that this will be a long and incredibly fun night.