“That’s your big idea? You’re taking me out to eat?”
“You have a better one?” You watch as Calum crosses his arms sulkily. This obviously wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.
“I do, actually. C’mon.” You grab his hand and pull him over the threshold into your front hall before turning and dragging him up a flight of stairs to your left. This would have been quite difficult given Cal’s 6-foot frame if he hadn’t given in to your incessant tugging.
“Where are we going?” he asks, obviously trying not to look too excited. But you aren’t taking him to your bedroom.
“You’ll see,” you laugh, not even pausing as you race down the hall before stopping at the last door and pulling it open, dropping Calum’s hand to do so. Plopping down on the couch, you have a perfect view of his awestruck expression, jaw dropping like a cartoon character. “Welcome to the screening room.”
The room, impressive enough with its floor-to-ceiling movie posters and red leather sectional, featured a massive television that dwarfed even Cal. And that was saying something. You casually grab a remote that’s lying on the couch and pat the seat next to you as you wait for him to take it all in. As he sits down, you turn on the TV and switch it to Netflix. “I’m going to go get popcorn,” you announce, and are about to head out of the room when you hear Cal’s voice for the first time since entering the room.
“What’s your password?” He has the remote out and is patently waiting with one arm hovering in the air, and is looking quite adorable with his brown eyes still as big as saucers. You feel yourself blush inadvertently as you realize you’re going to have to tell him.
“2-2-5-8-6.” He enters the code and you start to exit again when he stops you with yet another question.
"Why what?” you ask, feigning a confused expression when you know exactly what he was asking.
"Why is that your passcode?” There is not even a trace of patronization in his tone, which is one of the things you love about Calum.
“Aren’t you curious today?” you ask, attempting to avoid his question.
"You can trust me.” His eyes widen even more, if that’s even possible, and he sticks his bottom lip out ever so slightly; he knows you can never say no to that face.
You sigh before finally replying, “Let me at least make some popcorn first.” You head down the stairs and head to the kitchen, putting a bag of Orville Redenbacher's in the microwave. You laugh a little at that; one of Cal’s best friends, Michael, is nicknamed Mikerowave, and he loves popcorn. All food, really.
You can only stall for so long, and eventually you head back to the movie room with a bowl of popcorn and two glasses of water. Calum is still sitting exactly where he was before, remote and all. When he hears you shut the door, he glances up from the screen to look at you. “You can tell me now.”
“You never give up, do you?” you smile.
“Nope,” he replies seriously, and you feel something pass between you. You sit down next to him on the sofa and pull the blanket on top of you, offering him half, but he refuses. “Not until you tell me.”
“Fine,” you sigh, and stuff a handful of popcorn in your mouth, then set the bowl down between your folded legs. “It’s like the digits on a phone, and how they line up with numbers. Happy?”
“Totally,” he replied, smiling. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“It wasn’t, actually. I figured you’d be teasing me about it.”
“Why would I tease you?” Cursing your stupidity, you look away. He wouldn’t have even figured it out if you hadn’t mentioned it. But even in your frustration, you can’t help but notice how adorable his accent is when he says ‘tease’. Reaching out a hand, he lightly tilts your head back towards him so that he’s looking in your eyes. The curiosity is evident in his open gaze. He hasn’t figured it out yet. But he will eventually, you realize, so you might as well get it over with.
“What it stands for. 2-2-5-8-6. C-A-L-U-M.” You try to look away, but he holds your head still. Reaching out his other hand, he pulls you closer and closer until you’re inches apart.
“Y/N,” he whispers, “there’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while.” And then he removes the distance between you so that your lips connect. You expected it be harsher than it was; instead it was soft and slow and sweet. And you fell even harder for the boy sitting next to you.