Chapter 7

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He started its engine before the demons arrive. He left to protect his son. His son is starting to lose his rigor mortis. He then grabbed some ice from a cooler onside the boat. He placed some ice to his son to prevent him from decay.

        He heard a growl, it was his stomach. He was hungry. He looked for some food from the boat and luckily he found some canned goods, but there were only three cans of tuna. He opened one with his Swiss Army Knife and took a few chunks of tuna. He transferred the tuna into a plastic bag to prevent spoilage. He tied a knot at the end of the bag, making sure there wasn’t air on it. He kept it safe in the cooler.

        The motorboat was running real well, they’ve passed through the demonic figures. They were safe.

        75 minutes later the boat stopped. Their misery starts here. He was ready; he knew baptism isn’t the answer for God wouldn’t answer his prayers. It feels as if God’s dead.

        He picked up an axe. He was en garde. He then grabbed on to a paddle. He has an axe on his right hand and a paddle on the other.

        Suddenly there were a couple species of water demons surrounding them. He tried ignoring them. He just kept on paddling when suddenly a white python and a blue fish appeared in his boat, before it can transform into Madame White and her maid, he hit the two creatures and the head and threw them on shore.

        A water horse jumped on board and tried to kill him. He grabbed onto his axe and cut off its head. He paddled even harder because it seems like they’re not making progress. He knew it will take him days to get to Jerusalem. He will never give up.

 A giant shark appeared at a distance, the shark was being eaten by some demonic elements, “looks like the king of the ocean was overthrown” he thought, “just like the Lord” he sighed.


        He heard a sweet voice. A sweet singing voice, it sounded just like his wife’s. He followed the voice not knowing that he’s in the middle of the ocean. He swam towards the voice. He was being hypnotized. A Rusalka was calling him. Rusalka, a succubus that comes from water, they use their voices to seduce men and drown them to death.

        He was too mesmerized that he forgot about his son. Travis on the other hand was being targeted by a munuane. Munuane, a demonic figure with no teeth, eyes on his knees and a bow and arrow, he never misses his shot. The Munuane was successful and shot Travis right on the chest. A nuckelavee snatched Travis and brought him down to the sea.

        Fredrick was still swimming towards the rusalka. He heard his son’s voice saying ‘Dad!’ it was contradicting his wife’s voice, now he was put into test on who would he pick his son who ever heard his I love you or his wife that misses him so much. Fredrick then remembered the time when Travis was still young and he was showing him his very first Lego house. Travis was so proud of what he did that he wants his dad to see it. He was jumping up and down. He knocked in his mom and dad’s room, Fredrick opened up the door.

‘Dad! Dad! Dad!’ Travis called his dad, but was too busy in the phone.

Travis was disappointed; he hung up the telephone his dad was using. He really wanted Fredrick too see it. Fredrick was furious and shouted at Travis.

‘What do you want?!’ Fredrick growled, Travis remained silent,

‘Answer me!!! What do you want?!’

‘I just wanted you to see my Lego house,’

‘What?! Lego House?!’ he went straight to Travis’ room and destroyed the Lego house.

‘Is this what you wanted me to see?!’ he growled. Fredrick left the room. Travis ran to his Lego house and picked up all the pieces. He threw them out. He jerked up to his room. He kicked whatever he saw in his room. He locked his room for hours and didn’t come out.

This thought did it. ‘Travis’ he realized that the boat was far away.

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