He swam to the boat. When he reached the boat he was surprised that Travis was gone. He knew demons must’ve got him. He dove into the Atlantic Ocean and searched for his son. He knew there wasn’t hope but he still didn’t give up. He knew his son is still uneaten, and he was right. He saw his son but on a critical level. He swiftly swam into his son’s direction. He quickly grabbed his son and ascended as quickly as he could, he didn’t really care if he gets decompressed or whatever, all he knew is he got to be quick. The demons might catch them.
He brought his son back to the boat and paddled as fast as he could.
As soon as Fredrick reaches the shore he carries his son and walked. He found himself in Portugal. He saw Portuguese people suffering. Everything was on fire. Children are crying.
Suddenly, he was too focused on the events that was happening around him, a man snatched his son and was about to use Travis as a human shield. He then ran, before the man did what he’s planning. He punched the man and grabbed his son like a wild animal that lost his meal.
He ran towards the north. Never mind the exhaustion. He kept on running and running when suddenly he felt like dying. His weak heart was killing him. Frederick knows he needs to take a rest if he wants to continue. He struggled his way to a safe place. It’s was an occult place, where a demonologist lives in.
The demonologist welcomed people in his home. Fredrick wasn’t really sure about it but it was his only choice.
‘I’m Fredrick Craig, my son’s a victim of a succubus, and I have travelled from New York to here’ he introduced as he entered the room.
‘They don’t understand English, I’m Christophe Mcfolley, demonologist.’
‘Nice to meet you sir,’
‘It’s a little crowded in here; I hope you still feel at home’
‘Its fine I just need to rest’
‘You may’
He sat down the floor, not letting go of Travis. He slept. A familiar noise woke him up. He saw blind demon in front of him, sniffing his face. He didn’t move a muscle; the demon didn’t notice him and left. He checked his surroundings. He saw what once was cobblestone building now looks like a slaughter area, people that once was alive was now torn to pieces even Christophe. He and Travis weren’t touched and didn’t feel any pain. He felt blessed. He now believes that the Lord didn’t even stop caring to those people who really are in need.
SpiritualGod the FATHER… God the SON… God the HOLY SPIRIT… Holy Trinity ONE GOD… THE CREATOR… THE SAVIOUR… THE WISDOM… What if His love ENDED? What if He’s EXHAUSTED? What if He’s DONE? What if He’s TIRED? What if He takes a REST?