Chapter I: I'm Back

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Chapter 1: I’m Back

Valentina’s POV

10 years ago

"Have fun at school dear," my mother kissed my cheek and smiled. I smiled back and walked down the porch stairs to my Cadillac, well, my father’s.

I come from a rich family and we moved to Vancouver, British Columbia for new look of scenery. I didn’t understand what was so different about Vancouver, it looked the same as Alberta. Eh, whatever. I couldn’t complain. I am a paster’s daughter and a straight A student, there was no need to complain.

I got into the car and drove to school quietly and carefully. As I was pulling into my new school’s student parking lot, some guy in a black car but me off, nearly causing me to crash into him. What the heck! Through his rear view mirror, the young man looked at me with his cold, pale blue eyes. He smirked at me. I wanted to lash out on the idiot, but I kept my cool and waited for him to go ahead and park his car.

After I managed to find a parking space, I got out of the car and nervously looked at all the people around me. Girls had curly hair and pounds of make up on their faces. Most of them wore tight shirts, some revealing their belly buttons (and their piercings) and tight pants. A few girls smirked at me and a couple glared. Nice to meet you too.

The guys wore average guy clothing, nothing I haven’t seen before. Okay, that was a lie. I went to a school where you had to wear uniforms, this was actually the first time I had seen any girls or guys at school dressing like they did.

What was I wearing that day? Regular blue jeans, a turquoise button up shirt, a black jacket and black converse. Along with my golden cross necklace. I clutched the strap of my backpack as I quickly walked to the school’s entrance.

Guys wolf whistled at me as I walked by, I ignored them and stared at the ground beneath my feet. "Fresh meat," I heard one laugh. I snuck a glance and saw a pair of familiar pale blue eyes. The guy who had cut me off earlier was smirking at me. He looked into my eyes and winked. He had black shaggy hair that almost made it to his shoulders and nearly covered his eyes. He was pale, more pale than I was. He was tall and was somewhat scrawny.

A boy beside him rolled his eyes. "Not cool man," he looked at me and smiled awkwardly. This boy had short brown hair and guava coloured eyes. He was a bit shorter than his pale friend and a bit more built. He seemed nice.

I looked back down at the ground and walked into the school. I continued to ignore people’s stares and eventually found the office. The secretary had fiery red hair and looked about forty years old. She looked up at me with bored grey eyes. "Can I help you?"

"Y-Yea. I’m Valentina Patel. I’m the new student." I told her kindly.

She typed something into the computer and looked back up at me. "I see," she typed a few more things into the computer and sent it over to the printer. Out of the printer came a schedule and a map of the school. She handed them over to me and put on a fake smile. "I hope you like Magee Secondary School. Good bye and have a nice day." She handed me a small slip of paper with a combination on it. For my locker I assumed.

I smiled back, even though I knew she wasn’t being sincere. "Oh and your locker number is on that schedule as well." the secretary added.

I nodded and traveled down the halls looking for locker 1337. Luckily, it was on the first floor, down the hall from the office to be exact. The lockers were painted red and black, the walls were beige and the halls were filled with students, making it almost impossible to breathe.

After I put some of my things in my locker, I still had a pen, my binder and my schedule, I went to my first class, English. Oh how fun. The English room was located in room 321, on the third floor. Oh yay. I climbed all the stairs to the very top floor. I found the room with ease and walked in cautiously.

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