Chapter Three

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The Quartermaster Store was more comfortable than the jail, although more twisted and disturbing. Daniel felt horrible for keeping David in such He didn't feel bad for everything else! This was just...a personal hate for the store. It had to be. He didn't feel bad. Jen looked through the boxes of the Quartermaster's belongings.

"Ohh! Look at these pretty fingernails, Danny!" She squealed as she picked up a box and showed it to Daniel. Daniel swatted the box away.

"No." He mumbled. Jen pouted and set the box next to Gwen, who was laying on the ground, hands still bound by the rope.

Jen knelt down and scrambled through another box.

"Ohhh! Pretty burnt barbies!! I used to play with these all the time as a little girl!" She giggled and showed one to Gwen. Gwen grunted in annoyance and defeat.

David was sitting in a corner. He had stopped struggling. His head hung low, his hair was draping over his face, messy from his what had seemed to be endless struggling. He was silent and Daniel hated it. Usually, the blood-curdling screams distracted him from guilt. David stayed quiet, yet the emotion coming from his corner of the room stabbed Daniel in the chest like a frozen knife.

David spoke.

"So....are you feeling better, Daniel?" He asked, darkly.

Daniel looked at him and raised his eyebrow, confused.

"Pardon me?" He asked.

"Are you feeling better after drinking the punch?" David asked, a bit louder.

Daniel stayed silent before rolling his eyes at how obvious the question was.

"Oh. I'm fine. The paramedics got me to vomit out the poison before it caused any real damage." He turned his head to look out the window, his arms crossed.

"Good." David says. "Happy to hear."

Daniel looked at David, coldly. "What are you trying to do, David?" He asked. David sighed.

"Just wanted to see how an old friend was feeling, I guess." He lifts his head but his eyes still stay focused on the ground.

"Don' We're not friends. You can't consider me a friend." Daniel shook his head and stood up straight. David gritted his teeth.

"Daniel, please." He spoke.

"Just let me have false hope. Let me believe that a killer can be redeemed. Let me think that you'll change at the last minute for the better. Let me believe that things are gonna get better." David started to cry.

"Just let me pretend. It's all I have." He trembled in rage.

"Pretend. That's all I ever fucking do." He shut his eyes tight and cried quietly.

Daniel's mouth hung open, he was dumbfounded.

"I..." he looked to the ground. He wanted to respond but he couldn't break that guilty silence. He shut his mouth. He looked out the window again. He could see the campers running and screaming, trying to get away from Cameron. He felt his heart he watched Nerris fall to the ground as she tried to run away. He saw Cameron grab her by the back of her neck and pull her up. He saw Harrison run, screaming, to Cameron to get Nerris out of his violent grip. He heard the shouting from every camper, melting together as a distorted choir of heart-wrenching chaos and panic.


Harrison screamed, clawing at Cameron's arm, only to be snatched up as well.

"PRESTON, GET UP! COME ON! GET UP, YOU IDIOT! DON'T CRY!" Nurf was trying to get a sobbing Preston off of the ground, who had fallen while running.

"DOLPH! HEY, C'MON, BUDDY!" Erid was panicking while dragging Dolph out of his tent, who was gripping his art supplies and crying.

Daniel gripped his chest.

No. His conscience spoke. It wasn't two different consciences battling over decisions. It was one voice speaking. His own voice.

I won't let this happen.

I won't let this monster kill these children.

Daniel shook his head and muttered.

"God help me." He spoke.

He turned to David and grabbed him. He untied his wrists. Jen, who was rummaging through more boxes, cocked her head towards Daniel and gasped.

"What are you doing?!" She exclaimed.

"I'm not doing this anymore." Daniel helped David up.

"I can't. Those children are out there screaming for their lives and they're trying to help their friends rather than trying to save their own skin. I can't let them fail. I can't let them lose." Daniel pointed towards the window. Gwen looked up.

"Oh, what? Are you suddenly good now?" She asked, sarcastically.

"I don't know." Daniel responded.

"I honestly don't know." He trailed off.

Jen stayed silent before shrugging.

"Okay!" She spoke in her usual chipper tone, seemingly unfazed. Daniel was taken aback.

"Wh...what?" He tilted his head.

"You're not gonna disagree or...or talk me out of it?" He asked.

Jen shook her head. "Nope! Let's go!" She hopped excitedly before going to untie Gwen.

When both counselors were untied, David turned to Daniel.

"Thank you." He smiled. Daniel sighed.

"Don't. I don't trust myself enough to actually save you guys but...I'm gonna try." He looked to David. David suddenly hugged him.

"At least for the time being, I trust you."

Daniel didn't know what to do but his conscience told him it was best to return the hug. He did so.

"...Thank you, David." He spoke, slowly. David straightened up and backed away.

"Alright." He said. Daniel looked to the door and reached out a hand to open it.

"Let's do this."

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