Chapter Four

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"CAMERON!" Daniel's voice boomed across the camp to Mr. Campbell.

Cameron, who was throwing the last of the campers into the mess hall and locking the door, looked over his shoulder at the counselors.

"Danny!" He calls back with a grin.

"Did you bring some buddies to watch the end of these little brats' lives?" He laughs. Daniel clenched his fists. For months, Daniel blindly trusted this man. He followed every bit of advice he gave him. He looked up to him. He felt safe with him.

He felt betrayed. Not by Mr. Campbell, but by his own rotten judgement of character. Of his own character and Campbell's.

He walked closer to Cameron, cautiously, the counselors and Jen following not too far behind him. He stopped in front of Campbell.

"No." He spoke clearly with no hesitation.

"I came here with them to stop you." Cameron stayed silent for a moment before looking at him with pure, unadulterated hatred.

"You think you can change? You think you're a good boy, Danny?" He laughed.

"I accepted you. I forgave your sins. I am everything you have. Do you think that suddenly switching sides is going to make everything better for you?" He slapped his knee and continued to belittle Daniel.

"You can't be forgiven! These morons are getting to your head! The 'good guys' are trying to make you think that everything will be okay when you turn against me." He grabbed Daniel by the collar, earning a frightened yelp from him.

"Let me tell you something, Danny." He sneered.

"They'll turn against you once you've done your job. You're stupid, Danny. You'll follow anyone's orders if you think you're helping. You are no smarter than these snot-nosed brats. I have a purpose for you, Daniel. I can protect you." Cameron forced a loving smile onto his ugly face.

"No." Daniel choked. 

"You can't control me. I'm not afraid of you." Cameron's smile faded into a terrifying scowl.


He gripped Daniel violently by the shoulders.


His hands traced over his shoulders and brushed against his neck.


His hands suddenly wrapped tight around Daniel's throat.


"AH-!" Daniel gagged and choked, tears forming in his eyes.

"DANIEL!" David shouted. He ran towards Cameron and tried to pull Daniel away.

Cameron threw Daniel aside and Daniel fell against the dirt path with a thud. A high-pitched whine rang in Daniel's ears as his vision went blurry. Muffled cries of the counselors and Jen swarmed in Daniel's ears.

Get up.

His thoughts screamed.

Help them!

They cried.

He couldn't move.


A familiar voice in his conscience spat. He curled up on the ground and fought back tears.

Don't you DARE cry. His mind screamed.

You've sinned enough, thinking you could betray Mr. Campbell. You ARE an ungrateful child, turning against someone who was a FATHER to you. Daniel shuttered.

Help them! His own voice cried out.

He slowly stood up, gripping the arm he fell onto. He glanced upward and saw Cameron throw David to the ground, along with Gwen and a trembling Jen.

Daniel gritted his teeth.

"Mr. Campbell?" He spoke, quietly. Cameron angrily turned to him.

"You were like a father to me. You gave me support I never had. You...cared for me." He chuckled.

Cameron fully turned around and towered over Daniel.

"Now I know it was all an act. You're right, I really am stupid. I clung to you and did everything you wanted. I was hopeless. I know I really can't be forgiven....but....maybe I can do the right thing, for once." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his trusty knife.

"I can stop you from manipulating anyone ever again." He smiled sadly.

"Goodbye, Mr. Campbell."

In a swift, unexpected move, Daniel dug the knife into Cameron's chest. Cameron stared in horror into Daniel's eyes.

"..Dah..ahn..eeeh...ehl..." His words were but a garbled mess as he fell to the ground.

Usually, Daniel didn't feel any other emotion besides pure, blissful joy when he killed someone. He felt like he saved the world every single time. However, this time, he felt horrified. He felt regret, he felt sad, he felt grief, he felt glory. He covered his mouth with a blood covered hand and, for the first time in fifteen years, cried. He weakly fell to his knees and covered his face, trying to wipe the tears away.

Sinner, sinner! His invading conscience screamed.

He whimpered, emotion pulling at his chest like a heavy weight. He fell to the ground and cried, pulling at his hair.

"I didn't wanna to do it! God, I didn't wanna do it!" He screamed.

He felt a hand rub his shoulder and suddenly lift him back onto his knees. He was face to face with David, who then gripped him into a tight hug. Daniel buried his face into David's shoulder and continued to cry. He felt two more people hug him, and he heard Jen crying, too. He tried his best to hug back. He didn't know when he blacked out but it happened in the comfort of Jen, Gwen and David's arms.

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