Chapter Seven

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David flew open the Mess Hall doors and walked Max to the kitchen. He turned his head to look behind him, seeing Daniel awkwardly standing by the doorway.

"Hey, come on! You can come in, too!" David laughed. Daniel swallowed and made his way into the kitchen.

"Do you remember where the pantry is? If so, can you please grab Max a granola bar or something? It'll take a while to finish heating the bread pudding. I don't think he can handle waiting any longer." He chuckled, setting the restless Max on the counter.

Daniel nodded quickly and walked to the pantry. He opened it and he had to let his eyes adjust to the blankness he was looking into. The pantry was almost completely empty, except for the occasional gummy snack pack, bagel bag and granola bar box.

Funny, Daniel had remembered the pantry being completely stocked when he had first come to Camp Campbell. He reached and grabbed the box of granola bars and pulled a bar out. He walked to Max and handed it him.

"Here you go, buddy!" He smiled, trying to be as comforting as David had been to him.

Max looked up at him with a dirty glare before growling quietly and snatching the granola bar. Daniel let out a silent "Sorry."

David didn't seem to notice their interaction as he heated the stove. Daniel straightened himself up and walked over next to David. He leaned on the counter.

"The pantry is almost empty!" He said softly, worried. David sighed.

"Yeah, I know. We ran out of grocery money about a month ago. I thought we could hold on to the food and save money but...feeding a large group of campers requires a lot of food." David frowned a bit.

"Wow. Aren't you being paid-? Oh." Daniel cut himself off. Right. Dead Cameron. Can't be paid.

"Hah. Yeah, no." David chuckled, as if he read Daniel's mind. There was an awkward silence before a low, somewhat gargling growl sounded at Daniel's feet.

"Muack." The creature sounded.

"Ah, AH-!" Daniel screeched and hid behind David. David yelled.

"No! Bad platypus! Shoo, girl! Shoo!" He hissed, nudging the creature with his foot. The hissing and 'muacking' creature scuttled out of the open kitchen door. Almost immediately after it got out, a little girl's voice laughed.

"Hey, Mama muack!" Nikki's voice giggled.

"No! Go away! I don't have any dead mice! I just woke up!" She shoved the platypus away and patted it on the head. Neil was hiding behind her, trying to shield himself from the creature. They both walked into the kitchen.

"Hi, David!!" Nikki chirped. David, with Daniel finally letting go of him, put his hands on his hips with a chuckle.

"Heya, kiddos!" He waved happily to the two children walking up to the counter that Max was sitting on. He was angrily attempting to open his granola bar. Nikki quickly grabbed it from him and bit onto the wrapper. She continued doing this until she whined.

"Neeeeil. Help! It won't open..." She cried. Neil groaned and snatched the bar from her.

"Open. Along. The. Dotted. Line." He said with disgust as he ripped along the line, getting a bit of Nikki's saliva on his fingers. He stuck his tongue out as he handed it back to Nikki. Nikki paused.

"Wait, lemme see if it's poisoned!" She chomped into the granola bar and munched a bit before handing the bar to Max.

"All clear!" She yipped.

"Ffh...Fuck you." Max slurred.

Nikki grinned, granola in her teeth.

"I think he's gonna be just fine!"

Neil looked to Daniel and stayed silent. He had a timid and yet angry look about him. Daniel avoided eye contact with the child. Nikki ran up to the stove and jumped up repeatedly.

"Is the bread soup done yet? I'm hungry!" She huffed.

"Bread sou-? Oh." Daniel laughed a bit.

"Well, I don't know! Want a closer look?" He crouched down to Nikki.

Nikki beamed. "Yeah!" Daniel chuckles and lifts Nikki under her arms and lifts her near the pot. Neil gasps.

"NO!" He screams, running to Daniel and ramming into his leg.

Daniel gasped in pain and lowered Nikki but Nikki lost her balance and fell against a cabinet with a screech. David covered his mouth and pulled Neil away from Daniel.

"Neil! What are you doing?!" He yells. Neil had tears in his eyes.

"He was gonna drop her onto the stove! He was gonna burn her alive!" He cries. David shakes his head.

"She wasn't even that close to the stove! Daniel was being careful!" He looked disappointed in Neil as he looks up at Daniel.

"Right, Daniel?" He asked for Daniel's reassurance. Daniel nodded and looked to Nikki. He gently pulled her to her feet.

"Are you alright, sweetheart? Are you hurt?" He asked. Nikki winced a bit at a cut near her face, a fresh stream of blood slowly pouring from the cut.

"I'm okay." She nodded. Neil was obviously furious.

"HE THREW HER! HE THREW HER AND CUT HER! WE CAN'T TRUST HIM!" He yelled. Nikki gritted her teeth.


David gasped. Daniel raised his eyebrows and his jaw dropped. He didn't think Nikki would be the type to swear. Neil seemed shocked, too. He shut his mouth with an angry and sad look, gripping onto his arm. Max had a flat, unreadable expression. David rushed to a cabinet and pulled out a first-aid kit. He handed bandages to Daniel and Daniel tended to Nikki's cut.

"Does it hurt bad?" Daniel asked, putting Neosporin on her cut. Nikki smiled.

"I'm used to cuts on the face. Thanks though, Daniel!" She said. Daniel sighed.

"Well, I'm awfully sorry, Nikki." He said.

"It's Neil's fault, not yours." Nikki said, darkly. Neil faced away from her. When Nikki had a shiny new peach colored bandage on her face, she hugged Daniel. It was a firm hug.

"I don't think you tried to kill me, Daniel. I trust you." She spoke. Daniel could feel that she meant every word. Nikki stood straight and walked out of the kitchen, dragging Neil off with her.

"Come on, Neil. He doesn't need your grief." Nikki mumbled under her breath.

"Uh...When you say son of a bitch, are you referring to my dad? I-If so, I actually agree." Neil spoke from a distance, nervously trying to change the subject to make himself seem less surprised.

Daniel stood there for a moment. David patted him on the shoulder.

"You alright there, Dan?" He asked. Daniel blinked at the new nickname and nodded.

"Uh...yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." He said, quietly. David nodded and gave Daniel another pat.

"Alrighty. I think there's enough bread pudding for most of the campers." David smiled.

"Hmm...maybe we can try to do hiking camp today! We can identify edible berries! That'll be fun!" He lit up. Daniel smiled softly.

"Great idea, David!"

((Oof Jen will be in the next chapter soRRY-))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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