Chapter 1 - First of the last day (edited)

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~Edited version~

Sophie's POV

I awoke to a beautiful sunrise, I was still tired and I wanted to go back to sleep after closing my blinds with a clap, but right now it's one of those scenarios where Once I Wake Up, There's No Going Back! I quickly changed into a plain white tunic and some black leggings when my annoying, spectral mirror surprised me with a yelp.

"EWWWWW! is that really what your going to where on your last day in your life of school?! Here let me help as much as I can, grab that red dress with the dark red wavy lines, and jagged edges and put on that dark blue flower and a hint of blush and purplish-pinkish eyeshadow. OH YAS,  drink some of that hair elixir, it'll make your hair grow at least 3/4 foot more hair..." Vertina said demandingly.

I sighed, there's no point in getting out of this. I quickly obeyed Vertina and put on my golden cloak, it turned out- actually pretty well

I was getting ready to go downstairs for my "last day of school breakfast", or at least that's what Grady likes to call it, its basically dessert for breakfast. For once I was going to miss the school a lot, but I was also excited to be out of the wrath of well .. pressure.  Anyway Biana somehow talked me into getting my  matchmaking scrolls.  Initially I was going to like "skip" it but Biana got  Edaline to bug me in it. I guess I knew that Biana knew about my crush but I was still super nervous for my results, what if I don't get him?

"Sophie? Are you alright? You have taken over 10 minutes just sitting  there, oh and you look very nice, help from Vertina? Well either way you look so grown up! Oh wait isn't your-" Edaline stopped in the middle of her sentence, she looked like she was planning something even though I had no idea if it was good or mischievous, I just knew she was planning for something. And anyway I was still blushing a bit pink from compliments, me and my blushing sigh*

"Yeah I'm fine, and thanks, oh shoot! I only have six minutes to eat." I replied, I quickly ate this green goo substance- I know I've been living here for six years but I still haven't gotten to really know about all of the Elvin foods yet. I grabbed all my tools and went out the door.

Quietly, I ran over to the corner and I concentrated my mind to Foxfire. Over the years, I figured out a way to teleport without needing to jump off a cliff. This was very helpful of course but It was still very hard to do it since it took a lot of my power, I eventually practiced enough that it barely even did anything to my strength!

Biana's POV

I was waiting for Sophie at the golden cafeteria in the golden towers. Sophie was taking a day off or well more like  a night off at Havenfield with Edaline and Grady, we were allowed only allowed 30 days off the entire silver and gold towers, which was two years, and Sophie had only used 21.  I had used all 30 nights including last night, but I was still waiting for Sophie at the breakfast table because that's where I,  Dex, and Sophie always meet.  As predicted Sophie was already late and so was Dex. And obviously, I am always on time.

After a moment of thoughts I felt a tap on her shoulder. No matter how many times Sophie teleported I still freaked out, today she was surprisingly well dressed and I'm assuming its Vertina, no offence to Sophie. Dex came a couple minutes later because apparently his mom was smothering his hair with elixirs to perfect it for today.


    I came a bit late because of how much elixirs  my mom made me drink to well "perfect" my hair. I glanced at Biana staring at my hair and I just stupidity blushed. Ugh, I have might just have a tiny, crush on Biana, but I'm always way too clumsy and wonderboy would never approve.

    "Dex, your the last one again" said Sophie said in a sassy but friendly tone. I MAY have had a crush on her but that ended on good terms in what felt like years ago, well like four-ish five-ish years if you want numbers... who am I talking to?

"And I'm guessing  your second because like,  Biana is always on time. Anyway my mom was perfecting my hair and look how fabulous I look." I replied. What in the world did I say!? I turned beet red as I noticed what I said was very unlikely as to me. Sophie started laughing with Biana, and I tagged along  later .

"So, you guys are invited to a sleepover at my house, obviously Fitz will be there, Tam and Linh said yes and Keefe practically still, yes I said still lives at my house so.. will you?" Asked Biana

"Of course" I responded a little bit too quickly and felt warmth.. no heat crawl up to my face resulting into an absolute blush.

"Ok, but i'll have to ask Grady and Edaline." Sophie said

" I already asked and don't try to crawl out of it because matchmaking forms we are filling out today." Biana replied in a daring voice.

"ugh fine... and how did you know " Sophie replied defeated tone.

Sophie POV

I'm so excited to go and be with my friends but even better... Fitz, WHAT AM I THINKING! I know Fitz doesn't like me the same way, he probably  likes Linh. I stared up at the ceiling, no matter how powerful I am, I still need a break. People keep on "harassing me" or "demanding" me for things. It's been hard. The bell then ringed and we all gathered to leave to head to the first of the last day.

Ok so this is the edited version with a little bit more stuff and a bit better grammer if ya know what I mean but BI!

                                                                                                                                                                                         ~ ^-^

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