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"Alright kiddos. Make sure everyone has their coats, hats, and gloves on. It's chilly out. Then lets all line up." Mrs. Miller said standing from her desk.

I carefully put my folder, pencil case, and binder into my white with pink polkadot book bag. I zipped it shut and put all my outdoor gear on. The yellow buses were lined up along the side of the school. Their doors were opening one by one. 

I went over in line with my friend Mya. We were both eagerly talking about the new project we got assigned. It was a pen pal project. Each student in the class got assigned a student from a school in Florida. We got their name and address. Throughout the rest of the school year we were to be writing back and forth with them. Mrs. Miller said it would help with our writing and letter formatting. Mya and I were overly excited. We thought we would send our school pictures and ask them tons of questions, like if they were sad they didn't get snow.

Mya lived on the same street as me, so we got to ride the same bus. Seat number six was our gossip talking, snack trading, joke filled time between home and school. I met Mya when she first moved onto Oxford Court. We were both going into Kindergarten. Although we weren't in the same class, we met one day playing outside. Since then we have become very close friends.

When the bus reached our house, both of our moms were waiting outside. The snow was beginning to pick up. My house was covered in white, sparkly, fluff. The mailbox was covered so much that you couldn't see the numbers.

"Bye Mya! Tomorrow lets share what we wrote!" I exclaimed pulling Mya in for a big hug. She wrapped her arms around my backpack and I tightly.

"We have to promise to write them back until one of us moves!" She replied happily. We both stuck out our pinky fingers and wrapped them together. One little touch of human contact that meant so much. 

"Have a good night Mya. We will see you in the morning," My mother spoke in her soft voice "Hi sweetie. How was school? What is this writing you are talking about?"

"Oh mom!" I yelled grabbing onto her hand with both of mine. I decided it would be best to tell her inside, where it would be much warmer. She laughed letting out a white breath into the crisp air. 

Once we were inside, she began to take off my winter clothing. Once my boots were off, so was I. I ran into the kitchen and sat on the stool on the island. I put my book bag on top of the marble counter and unloaded it. Mom stood across from me leaning her elbows on the island and put her face into her hands, watching me with amusement.

"Mrs. Miller assigned us pen pals. Not just pen pals, but pen pals from FLORIDA." I chirped making sure to emphasize what state I would be sending my letters to.

"Oh Addie. That sounds like so much fun." Mom replied back to me with excitement in her eyes now.

Mom went over all the fine print. She even got me out fancy paper that was white with snowflakes in the background. Then, we got out all the pens we had until I found the perfect one to write with. Then we drafted out loud what I should write to my new pen pal. 

Dear Sebastian Wentworth,                                                                                                        December 3

Hello. My name is Adeline. I am nine years old. I am in the fourth grade. How old are you? I live in Ohio and right now it is snowing a lot. I hope we have a snow day tomorrow. Do you wish you could play in the snow? I can't wait to send this letter! I am putting my school picture in here, so you can see what I look like.

Candy Canes and Snow Flakes,



Thanks so much for taking the time to read the prologue. I'm very excited to continue this story. I hope that as characters and the plot get set up, the characters grow on you and you enjoy the story.


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