Chapter 6

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Monday morning came around all too quickly. It felt like my head had just hit the pillow after saying goodbye to Mya. The morning sun was shining bright in though my window. I decided today I should be somewhat productive. By that, I mean catching up on my tv shows and going to get coffee. 

I left the comfort of my bed and headed to my bathroom to get ready. The weather suppose to hit the high 80's by noon. No matter how long I lived in Ohio, my hair still got frizzy in the humidity. I decided to to braid a strand of my hair from my part, across my head, and tucked behind my ear. Then, I pulled the rest of my dark hair into a pony tail. Since I would be going out in public, I put on a light face of makeup. I choose to wear a pair of jean shorts and a white crop top with two pineapples on it. 

After I made my bed, I headed downstairs to see if either of my parents were home. The wooden floor felt cool against my feet as I entered the kitchen. The smell of homemade coffee hit my nose. At the island sat my dad with a newspaper in his hands. He wore a pair of thick rimmed glasses and was squinting at the words on the pages. 

I made my way over by him and leaned against the island, "Good morning" I said.

"Morning, Addie," Dad replied.

Before heading off to get coffee, I pulled my phone out and scrolled through social media. It was always the same, people posting too much information about their lives. This way half the reason I never posted anything. Plus, my parents had always been protective. I was not allowed to get social media until I was a Sophomore in high school. Mya first started getting hers in the sixth grade. She would die without it. Her Instagram account had over four thousand followers. I never understood how she did it. All I knew, is that I was often her photographer.

"What are your plans for today?" Dad asked, closing the newspaper and setting it down.

"I think I'll run some errands, watch some tv, maybe be a good person and start my summer reading"

"Less tv and more school work sounds great. I'll be getting off work a little later than usual. Your mom wants you to start looking up a hotel for us for vacation. We have been putting it off for a while"

Lately, my dad had been staying at work later and later. Summer was the peak of his work season. He worked hard during the week and often relaxed on the weekends. I was truly grateful for the hard work my parents put in. I understood it took a toll on them. Although, I felt like they were living their best lives. 

I decided I would bring my laptop with me to get coffee, so I could start looking up hotels. My parents had a bad habit of waiting last minute to book rooms. Then I was the one stuck doing it. I didn't mind though, I enjoyed looking through all the options. 

Once I got bored of looking through my phone, I stuck it in my back pocket and told my dad goodbye. I quickly ran up to my room and put my laptop in my book bag. Then I went back downstairs and headed out,

I noticed that Mya's car was already gone this morning. I knew she had work, but wasn't sure what shift she had. Mya works at a day care about fifteen minutes away from our houses. She has been working there for the past three years. I could always tell which shift she worked, by the time of day her car was gone. I always found it funny how she worked at a day care. She was the type of person who said she never wanted kids, yet she loved her summer job. 

Once I got into my car, I began driving. Our city had lots of small mom and pop type cafes. I always preferred going to those over Starbucks. Sure, Starbucks had fun drinks. Although, their coffee is disgusting and makes me want to gag.

The Cafe shop I decided to go to was called Sunny Side Up. It was located on our cities square. It was the type of place that people would go to just to get their picture taken and post online. The people who owned it were in their upper twenties and always made sure they were on top of the latest food trends. For example, last year they tried selling avocado coffees. They stopped a hole in an avocado and pour the coffee into it. It was safe to say that trend did not last too long.

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