Chapter 1

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Ten Years Later

Blue and black engulfed the sky, twinkling whites showing their way through the clouds. The night was just beginning. Summer had its way of keeping you out all night when it didn't get dark until late. 

I sat in a circle of white and black plastic chairs surrounding a fire pit. The flames were burnt orange, giving off a smoky smell. Trees surrounded the edge of the lawn giving lots of privacy. The back deck was decorated with colored lights strung from the railings. 

Tonight was a night for celebrating and last memories made between friends. Everyone says you won't keep your high school friends once you get to college. This didn't scare us. We were going to stay friends as long as possible. Most of us had known each other since elementary school.

"What is everyone most excited for?" Mya asked in an open ended way. Her blue eyes sparkled in the light from the fire. I gave my best friend a small smile, pausing to think about the question.

"The step between being a child and being an adult. A limbo of sorts," I replied.

"Could you get any more deep?" Another girl, Mallory, asked giving a snort. I shrugged my shoulders and looked to the fire.

The truth was, I was terrified. I lived a vanilla lifestyle. I grew up always very close to my parents. I never broke rules or got into trouble. I never partied, experimented with drinking, heck I never even had a boyfriend.

Now I was going to be far away from home, on my own. I wasn't going to have my parents in the same place as me to come to my aid right away when I needed. There were many choices I would have to make for myself.

"I'm excited to party," Mya said intruding on the silence. A couple of our friends laughed and agreed. Some of them had often partied while still in high school. Mya and I were the odd ones out who didn't seem to have the need to party. We would much rather stay in and watch a movie. That's why we are best friends.

A couple of other girls began talking about what they were most excited for when it came to college. I didn't really focus in on the conversation. Instead, I stood up and walked over to the table holding the sweet supplies for a gooey treat. 

I brought back the essentials: two graham crackers, one marshmallow, and one Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I grabbed a stick that was collected and in a pile with others. I stabbed the marshmallow and then put it over the fire. 

"Why can't you be normal and use a chocolate bar?" Mya inquired squinting her eyes at me.

"A smores is elevated with peanut butter, specifically Reese's peanut butter," I explained and squished the marshmallow to test if it was cooked enough. When the marshmallow turned a crispy brown I stuffed it between the two graham crackers. Sitting back in the white chair I munched on the smores, enjoying the rest of the night. Enjoying the last memories of us all together. 

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