Chapter 1

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"Sel wake up we have school" my twin brother Grant says. "No" i whisper turning over and covering my head. "Mom she wont wake up!" he shouts "GET WYATT TO WAKE HER UP!" Mom shouts back. I shot up and got out of bed when i hear his name. Wyatt is my little brother, he is basically an animal. He runs around the house, eats random things he finds on the floor, he is just really annoying.
Im Selena Furgeson. Im 17 years old and child of 3, Grant is my twin brother he is older than me by 6 minutes and 12 seconds, Wyatt is my little brother he is 9. I live in Omaha Nebraska with my mom. Our dad left and moved to Pheniox Arizona.

"Grant did you steal my Supreme sweatshirt again?" i ask walking to his room. "No" he says. I walk in and he is wearing it. I roll my eyes and walk out. I put on my clothes and do my make up.

I grab my backpack and follow Grant down the stairs

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I grab my backpack and follow Grant down the stairs. "Ugh Grant really" i say waving my hand in front of my face. "Haha" he says running out the door. We get on the car, which is a boring Tahoe. "Mom when are you gonna get a better car, this shit is boring" i say "Selena Furgeson language. I think this car is perfect for you three spoiled brats" she says. My mom basically owns this platform called Youtube, she is like the CEO or some shit like that. I guess you could say that were rich. "Mom are we almost there?" Grant asks "Could you shut up you ask that every morning, it takes 20 minutes to get there you know this" i say. He slaps his hand agaisnt his chest. I put my headphones in and listen to Guapenese by Its Ricco Tho.
Grant taps my shoulder then gets out of the car. I see that we are at school so i get out.
I walk to my friends and we talk before school starts. The bell rings and we separate to our lockers. Someone runs into me so i turn to see who it was. Tayler Wolfe. She is the schools fuck girl also my ex boyfriends girlfriend . "Hey move bitch" she says. "Why should i move? Its my locker. How about you keep you man stealing hands off me" i say back. "What did you call me?" she asks "you a man stealing whore now move". "Do you hear her?" she asks her friends. They shake their head in disappointment. She pushes me again and i raise my hand to slap her but i see Grant out of the corner of my eye with 2 fingers up. "Im gonna ask one more time nicely please move" i say. She just laughs "what are you gonna do push me" she says "no im gonna do much worse" i say. She grabs my hand and i punch her in the nose then kick her feet out from underneath her. I stomp away then get called back by the principal. "Selena this is your 3rd time in the office this month. Im afriad im gonna have to expell you. Go clean out your locker and i will call your mom" i roll my eyes and walk out. When i get back i see my mom sitting in a chair talking to the princpal. She sees me and gives me a death glare. I smile innocently then go to the car. Grant comes in also. "Mom picking you up early?" i ask "nope apparently i was apart of the fight because i held up 2 fingers" he says. I nod then look out the window. "Seriouly Selena. The 3rd time this month. What am i gonna do with you?" my mom asks. "Well i might as well go get Wyatt too. You three have some packing to do" she says me and Grant look at eachother. We new what that meant. New state... again. We get Wyatt then go home. I finish packing in less than 2 hours. "Done mom" i say bring my last box down the stairs. She nods the goes to the door. "PIZZA!" she yells. "Again?" i ask she glares at me. I dont know why but my mom has always kinda hated me. I never did anythi- oohhhh. "So Selena i heard that you beat Tayler Wolfe's ass" Wyatt says earning a smack on the back of his head from mom. "Yeah. She deserved it though. I asked her twice just like dad tought us" i say looking up from my food at mom. "Yeah i know her little sister Haley. She is mean too. She always teases Jenna for her clothes. She cant help that she is poor" Wyatt says causing us to laugh. "Ok after dinner go to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow" mom says. I finsih then go to my room. I french braid my hair then put on a tank top and shorts.
I fall asleep im seconds thinking about where we are living this time.
"WAKE UP" my mom yells down the hallway. We wake up and get ready. I put on sweatpants and a t-shirt then leave my hair the way it is.
We get to the airport and mom finally tells us where we are moving. New Jersey great.
We get on the plane and leave.
We get to New Jersey and get off the plane.
I grab my bags and get in our rental car. "Mom you couldnt have gotten a bigger car" i say trying to put my legs down. "Im sorry the car will be here in a few days" she says. We drive to the house and it is HUGE.

I walk in first and run upstairs. I go to the first room. To small. I go to the second one. Ugly color. I go to the last one and it is perfect. Thank god my mom had it already furnished. I lay on my bed. Its a white blankets with a white head board. The walls are a light grey.

. I add some stuff to my nightstand. Like a picture of me and Grant and a candle. I hang up some pictures with clothes pins on twine string that i tacked to the wall. I add some decor to the walls and im done. I go to Grants room to see what he has done. He has his signed and framed Steph Curry jersey on the wall, his shelf with his basketball, football, and baseball trophies on it. Another shelf with a football signed by Peyton Manning, the baseball he hit his first homerun with, a picture of us, and his money jar. "So far it looks good, i give it a week before your clothes are on those shelves though" i say. He chuckles. Grant and I fight a lot but we have our moments. We go to Wyatts room and he is on the floor playing video games. We go to my room and he looks around. "Please dont have this when your friends are over" he says holding up a picture of us. His eyes are crossed and he is holding up a peace sign. I laugh then take it. "I think ill keep it" i say putting it back. He goes back to his room and i explore the house a little. We have 2 family bathrooms and a bathroom in everyones room. We have a in home theater, 3 family rooms, a game room ans an extra room in the basement. The basement is carpeted so im definetly taking it for my game room and when i have people over. Wyatt is probably gonna take the game room and Grant is gonna have the second part of the basement there is a thin wall in the middle. I go to my room and decorate my bathroom. I put up a tiny shelf and put a small catus plant on it and a picture of my bestfriend from Omaha and I. I add some little stones to a small plate and put a paper heart in the middle. I put my make uo drawers in the corner by the sink and i put my shelfs of lipsticks and brushes up. The walls are a very light green. I finish decorating then go back to Grants room. "Im gonna go check out the yard. Wanna come with?" i ask. He nods and grabs a sweatshirt. We go outside and see a huge pool with a slide. I give him a look and he nods. We run to the slide and go down it. My mom comes out and sees us in the pool with our clothes on. She shakes her head and chuckles. I go to splash Grant but then stop. "Mom didnt yell at us" i say to him. "Your right" he says. We play a little then it gets cold so we go inside. I change into some volleyball shorts and the smae bright pink hoodie i had on earlier. "Dinner!" my mom yells. Me and Grant race down the stairs. "I win" i say out of breath. I turn around and Grant is on the floor. We eat dinner then i go to my room and fall asleep.

Im just uploading a whole bunch of shit i have in my drafts sooo.... Anyways i do have a Tyler book with 17 parts and its completed but idk if i should upload it or not

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