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I wake up and go to the bathroom. I do my business and wash my hands. I go to walk out and run into someone. "Oh sorry" i look up and see Jake. "Its fine" i say walking into Mikey's room, Jake following. I jump on Mikey's bed and sit on him. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" i yell. He rolls over making me fall off him and on the floor. He looks at me and chuckles then sits up. He rubs his eyes and i get back on his bed. "What are we doing today?" i ask "i dont know yet" he says yawning. "Well we could go to Seaside i need to film. Flips for kisses?" Jake asks Mikey "sure" he says. I put on a pair of leggings and one of Mikeys sweatshirts. We get in Jakes Durango and leave. "Aye i gotta go get Ademir and Ashley" Jake says while driving. "Ok" Mikey and I say. We get Ademir and Mikey and him get in the back. Then we go get Ashley and she sits in the front with Jake. Mikey sits next to me and puts his arm around me so that there is room for Ademir to sit.
We get to seaside and Jake starts filming.
"Ok Ademir go up to those girls" Jake says. He walks up to them and Jake asks "which one of you girls will kiss him if he impresses you?" a girl steps forward and says me. He does and flip and she kisses him. "Ok NEXT" Jake yells "Mikey walk up to her and do it" he says pointing to me. "Me?" i ask "ok" Mikey says. He does a flip then walk towards me. Without hesitating he kisses me. All the boys get hype as Mikey pulls away and winks at me. I stand there shock as Ashley walks up to my and waves a hand in my face. "You good girl?" she asks, i nod.
We walk around a little, Mikey's arm around me. I was trying really hard to keep my cool, and Ademir kisses random girls and what ever.
"You ready to go?" Mikey whispers in my ear, "yeah im tired" i say whisper back. "Hey guys Sel is ready to leave can we go now?" he asks the boys, "just a few more flips" Jake says. Mikey rolls his eyes then squats down "hop on" he says "what? No i crush you" i say. "Selena whatever your middle name is Ferguson get on my back or your gonna walk home" he says "is that a threat?" i ask. "Just get on were walking home" he says, i get on and he starts to walk away from the squad. We get about half way to his house when i hop off and walk with him. "Selena, did i like scare you earlier when i kisses you?" he asks "no i was shocked. I mean like we have kissed a million times before but not like that" i say. He nods and we keep walking, its silent the rest of the way home but not awkward it was peaceful.
We get home and he grabs a bag of chips. We sit on the couch and he grabs his laptop, "Netflix?" he asks, "Sure" i say scooting close to him. He goes on Netflix and turns on Marvel Avengers. I lay my head on his should and he puts his arm around me pulling me close. I look up at him and smile, he smiles back. I watch the movie while listening to Mikey's heart beat in his chest. I feel his chest slowly move up amd down meaning he is asleep. I shut his laptop and put it on the table. I snuggle close to him and fall asleep.

I wake up and see Mikey still sleeping. He's so cute when he is sleeping. I wake him up then go see what Tyler is doing. "Hey Ty" i say walking in, "Hey Sel" he says looking up from his computer. "You doing anything today?" i ask "no why?" he asks. "Wanna hang out just me and you? Or is that gonna be weird?" i ask "nah its cool what about Mikey?" he asks. "Well i could have him drop me and you off at my house, get money from my mom, have my brother drop us off at the dealership, then we can go to the mall" i say shrugging. "Ok but why the dealership?" he asks "i wanna get a car" i say. "Dope lets go" he says getting up. We go tell Mikey and he says sure cuz he has a few errands to run too.

"MOM!" i yell "what!?" she yells from the kitchen. "I need a lot of money" i say, "how much?" she asks "at least 60,000 i have 8,000 in my room" i say "why do you need that much?" she asks."im getting a car" i say, she goes to her purse an hands me her card. "Thanks momma" i say kissing her cheeks and.running up stairs. I grab my money and meet him downstairs, "lets go get my brother" i say. "Grant can you drive Tyler and me to the dealership?" i ask, "sure" he says.

We get to the dealership and Grant leaves. "Whatcha gettin?" Tyler asks "a V10" i say smirking. "Manfs is gonna flip" he says, i nod and we go in.

"Yo this is so dope ugh" i say gripping the steering wheel as we are pulling out of the dealership. "Mall?" i ask, he nods.
We get to the mall and just ya know shop. We walk past VS and it reminds me of the last time i was there. "Hey Tyler you can keep secrets" i say he nods "well last time i came to the mall your brother kissed me.." i say trailing off. He holds out his hand and i hand his 10 bucks.


We get back to Mikey's and go inside. "Mikey isnt home" i say looking at my phone, "sweet he is gonna pull up and see your car" he says making me laugh.

Dude look out the window

Bruh is that a fucking V10

No its a piece of litter what idiot they spent a shit ton of money on nothing

That idiot would be me

Haha ur funny

I look out the window and wave my keys around then unlock it. His jaw drops and i chuckle. I walk out and he yells "WHAT THE FUCK!" i giggle and he screams again "WHAT THE FUCK!". "Soo?" i ask "i guess its not that bad. You should get it wrapped" he says, "what color?" i ask. "I dont know" he says, we go inside and sit on the couch. "Michael did you see that car out front?" Mama Manfs asks "yea yea its Sel's" Mikey says. "Its nice" Mama Manfs says "thanks" i say.  We go to his room and play on our phones, "Michael" i sing "Eww dont call me Michael" he says cringing. "MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL MICH-" he cuts me off by slapping a hand over my mouth, "Oh shit" Tyler says. "Kinky" he winks before walking out again. We laugh and then hear someone yell "YO YO YO WHATS GOOD MOTHERFUCKERS" we look at each other then say "Ryan". "Can we go to my house?" i ask "yeah sure" he says sitting up "OOO bring your bathing suit" i say. He smiles then grabs his bathing suit. We get in MY car and he cringes. "Ew dont make that face" i say pushing his face.

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