Chapter 3

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I wake up and get dressed for school. I put on my Omaha High volleyball hoodie and black leggings. I forgot to mention i played volleyball. I throw on my checkered vans. I  just do mascara for my make up because im too lazy to put on anything else. I put my hair in a messy bun then put on a head band. I grab my back pack and go down stairs. I jump in the Tahoe cuz it got dropped of yesterday and we leave. When we get to school i just follow Grant so i can see Mikey. While i talk to Mikey the whole time, Grant talks to Ademir and Jake. "Yo low key they are gonna date" Jake whispers. "Your really bad at whispering" i say. "I know". The bell rings and Mikey and I walk to class together. "Ok class so today...." i zone out and think about what i would be doing in Omaha right now. "Selena. Selena. Selena Furgeson can you please answer my question?" the teacher asks "uhh yeah... whats the questions again?" i asks "what is the chemical compound that makes up water?" "H2O duh" i say earning laughs from the rest of the class. The teacher moves on. "Cate what is the answer to number 3?" the teacher asks "um-" i give her the answer. "Selena!" the teacher says "what!?! Im just tryna help a sista out" i say slamming my hand on the table. "Your quite the class clown ah?" Mikey asks as we walk out of class. "Yeah kinda" i say. We walk to Geometry together talking about how we were suspended multiple times. "Dude really?" i ask walking in. "Furgeson, Manfre your late" the teacher says. "Sorry teach, we had some difficulties" i say "and what were those difficulties?" she asks "you see. I have this class. The teacher is absolutely horrible and the class over all is BORING. The class is called Geometry. You have to use shapes and stuff...I think thats what you do anyways" i say. "Sit down please you just wasted so much time" she says. I sit down next to Mikey. He says something really funny and i start laughing really loud. "Michael move over here" the teacher says moving him across the room. "AYE MIKEY YOU COMING OVER LATER?" i ask "YEAH. AROUND 5 OR SO" he yells back "SWEET DUDE. MY MOM GOT ME THE NEW COD WE ARE PLAYING IT AND YOUR STAYING THE NIGHT" i yell "FURGESON OFFICE" the teacher yells. I get up and walk towards the door. "Aye Mike text me. DEUCES" i yell walking out. I walk into the office. "Hello are you lost?" the Secretary asks "no. Mrs. Green sent me down here" i say "Why?" he asks "i have a smart mouth i guess i dont know. Nothing smart ever comes out so it doesnt really make sense" i say looking up and shaking my head lightly. "Mrs. Dalton" he says. The principal walks out of her office. She tells me to follow her. "You were expelled from your old school? And your gonna cause trouble here? We have rules you know" she says "yeah but if we didnt have someone to break them. Then no one would know they exist and thats what im for" i say. She sends me back to class after talking to me. "What up my people" i say walking in. I sit down.

FF to end of day

"So Sel. I heard that you got sent to the office" Grant says walking up with his friends. "Yeah" i say grabbing my stuff. "You better stop. Mom is gonna be pissed" he says "oh well". I walk outside with Mikey. "Hey wanna ride with me?" he asks "sure" i tell Grant and follow Mikey. "Yo this is your?" i ask "yeah its a shitty as Lincoln but im planning on getting a M4" he says "yo those are sexy" i say "you know your cars?" he asks "yeah". We get in and he takes me home. "You can stay if you want" i say "ok". We go to my room. "Door stays open" Grant says walking up. "Whatever" i say closing. He sits on my bed and i go to my desk. He looks at the wall and sees some of my sketches. "Damn did you do these?" he asks "yeah" i say looking. "Can i keep this one?" he asks pointing to the self portrait i drew of my self. "Sure"  i say. I sit on my bed next to him and lay down. I go on Instagram and just go through my feed. "Selena come here" my mom yells up the stairs. We run down stairs. "Selena why were you in the office today?" she asks "i was being a smart ass" "you cant be doing this. Selena you do realize that your ruining your future by doing that" she says "WHAT FUTURE. Mom i dont wanna be like you and have to sit at a desk and talk to people on the phone. I dotn want what you want for me. I dont wanna be a boring ass doctor or teacher. I wanna move to Cali. Become a star, do something that people are gonna remember" i say "im sorry. I didn't know you felt that way" she says. She sniffles then walks away. We go back upstairs and talk. "What do you wanna do?" he asks "i dont know just not what she wants. What about you?" i ask "i wanna move to Cali and become big. Become a youtuber or something" he says "I wanna be a singer" i say "you? Sing?" he asks "yeah" i say "let me hear" he says. "No, no"  i say looking down. "Please" he begs "fine. Give me a song" i say "ummmm. Anything by your favorite artist" he says "umm ok. I drive through the night just to be near you baby. Heart open testify, tell me that im not crazy. Im not asking for a lot just that your honest with me. My pride is all i got. Im saying baby please have mercy on me. Take it easy on my heart. And even though you got good intentions i need you to set me free. Please have mercy, mercy, on my heart.  Could you please mercy, mercy on my heart" i sing. "Wow your good" he says shocked "im really not" i argue. "Uhh yeah you are" he argues back. I ignore him and change the topic. "So do you actually have a brother?" i ask "yup. His name is Tyler. Were pretty close but dear lord he is annoying as fuck" he says making me laugh. "Sounds like Wyatt" i say. We talk a little longer, before you know it its 10 at night. "you can stay if you want" i say. "Mmm sure if its ok with you" he says "of course. Here ill go steal you some of my brothers clothes" i say. I grab a pair of Grants basketball shorts and a t shirt. I give them to Mikey and he says "thanks" "no problem" i say grabbing an extra blanket. I lay it on the floor then grab another one. "Ill sleep on the floor" i say "um no ill sleep on the floor. Its your bed im not taking it from you" he says "my house my rules" i say "so what. Your sleeping in your bed and im sleeping on the floor" he says "NO" i yell. My phone starts to ring.

Would you stop yelling im trying to sleep





Tell Mikey he is sleeping in my bed

Why dont you both sleep in the bed. Its not like your gonna do anything... I hope



I hang up and tell Mikey. "What ever it will just be warmer" i say. I change into my PJs and lay down. "Night Mike" i say "Night Sel" he says. I turn and fall asleep.

New Kid ~ Mikey ManfsWhere stories live. Discover now