A for effort

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I'm still confused on why Virgil wanted to tell Roman...this is all so confusing...why was this so important?

Is it because I am receiving feelings? I've always had them, just chose not to show them. Should I show them more?

It surprised Virgil, so why shouldn't I? I mean what harm could it do right?

I've made my decision. I'm going to stop hiding all of my emotions and actually show them. Maybe they'll like me more...or even want to "hang out" as Thomas says.

I walk out into the dining room for lunch that Patton made for us. I took some mashed potatoes, corn and some meatloaf and put it on my plate. I start eating it and it was delicious. I feel...happy? I start smiling. I guess I am happy.

"This is amazing Patton, wonderful job on the meatloaf!"

Patton blushed

"Oh! Thanks Logan...you never compliment my food usually..."


"Heh, um nothing.."


Well, Patton is odd so I'm not confused on why he's like that...but still...do I not compliment him as much as I thought I did? I guess thats another thing I need to show more...

Well, there's a lot of things I need to..show more..

I need to express myself more....
I will complete my task.

The next morning I wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as Patton says.
I get up as peppy as I can and get ready for the day.

I go to the Dining Room to see that Patton has already made breakfast.

It's delicious as always.

"Fantastic job on the food again Patton!"

He smiles "It's just what I like to do."

Virgil looks like he is containing laughter...or is it screaming? I'm still new to this.

Roman just continues eating breakfast not noticing. Well I guess I did just start expressing myself maybe if I do it more often he'll notice too.

I keep eating my breakfast enjoying the scrumptious flavors.

Once I was finished I began my daily tasks. I helped Thomas make logical decisions, cleaned up the Mind Palace a bit and then studied human emotions.

Roman came in the room as I was reading the book. I quickly hid it underneath the seat,not wanting to reveal my surprise.

"Why, hello there Logan. What are you doing here? If anything you should have a book. You usually do."

"Well you see Roman, I do other things than read."

He laughed "Yes, of course I know that Logan but, its just off to see you in your book without a book!"

"Well, I'm just.. thinking."


"Conjuring up thoughts? What else would I be doing?"

"Oh shush. Well I actually have a question for you."

"Oh? Really?"

I can't deny I am surprised. He never wants help from anyone, let alone me.

"Yeah, usually I'd go to Patton but he's asleep, I think I'm in love with Virgil..."


Why did he need help with emotions! Of all the emotions I haven't yet studied love..

"I love V- you know what never mind, you wouldnt understand anyway."

3rd person POV~

Roman walked out of the room leaving Logan to his thoughts. Logan felt hurt of that last comment. He knew Roman didn't mean it that way, it was illogical for Logan to think that yet he still thought it. He picked up the book once more and skipped some chapters to study love.



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