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I opened the book to Chapter 69, 'Love'.
I read about what love actually was, and learned love is a very important thing. It was also used in so many ways. I was surprised.

Erotic Love, Affectionate Love, Familiar Love, Playful Love, Obsessive Love,  Enduring Love, Self Love and Selfless Love.

Playful Love caught my eye, so I read about it.

It says in the book that Playful Love usually was what people felt while first falling in love. Butterflies, Fluttery heart, teasing and a feeling of euphoria.

These 'symptoms' were some feelings I got when I with Patton. I am very confused.

Am I in love with Patton?

If Roman is 'in love' with Virgil maybe I could ask him about it. It wouldn't hurt to try plus, then we'd both have secrets.

I'll talk about it with him tomorrow, It's late.

~~Next Morning~~

I wake up and start my usual routine. Get up, get dressed, help Thomas and do the rest of my chores. Once those we're finished I went searching for Roman.

I looked in his usual spots but I can't find him. The only place left was his room, which he only goes to for sleep and when he needs to get ideas.

I got to his door and knocked.

'Even the door looks elegant'

I spoke too soon. Roman opened the door and inside looked like an actual palace. There was a stair case up to his bed and decorations from floor to ceiling. However, Roman didn't look as elegant. His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, even his sash was crooked.

"Oh! Uh- hey Logan..just gimme a sec.." he said as he shut the door.

Approximately three seconds later he opens the door again looking just as elegant as his room.

"That's better, come on in!"

I walk into his room and close the door behind me.

"Welcome to my palace! Now, what brought you here? You never want to speak with me.."

"Oh well, I believe we're in the same situation." I reply promptly.

"Hm? How so?"

"Yesterday, you said you were in love with Virgil correct?"

"Oh uh, yeah." he said nervously?

"Well I read up on love and I believe we're in the same situation, like I stated before."


"Well..." For the first time ever I didn't know how to phrase something. I felt those butterflies again. What is this?

"Um, I- I think, well now that I know what love is-"

"Yeees?" Roman said impatiently

"I think I love Patton..."

He just stood there. Oh no, did I say something wrong? No, that's illogical..I just said the truth that's all...that isn't bad is it?

Suddenly his face lit up.


I cover his mouth.

"Shh! I don't want him to know!"

"Why not?! This is awesome!!"

"Fine then I'll just go tell Virgil you-"

"No." he cut me off.

I chuckle.

"Eventually we will have to though, so I thought we could make a plan together to 'profess' our love."

"That, actually is a good idea...!"

We started planning immediately.

AN~ Heyyyyy I'm not dead? I know i promised I'd posted more and I want to re-promise but idek if I could keep that. Either way, here's the new chapter!~

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