Chapter 20 : El Clàsico ⚽️

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Charlotte's POV

It was 1pm, we were on our way to the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium for our interview about the last Barça dinner. I'm really scared to say something wrong and give a bad image to myself or Neymar. We arrived at the stadium 30 minutes earlier that the others and went directly into the interview room.
"Nervous?" Ney asked taking my hands in his.
"So much" I said squeezing his hand very tightly.
"It's gonna be okay, just take my hand and relax" he said and kissed my before we entered. We sat down next to each other and the journalists where standing in front of us.
( j = journalists C = Charlotte N= Neymar)

J : welcome to our interview with Charlotte Martinez and Neymar Jr.
First, thank you for your time to do this interview with us.
N : You're welcome
J : so first question, Charlotte, who hit you in the eye ?
C : like we said in Neymar's Instagram post, we want to keep it private for the person who did it. We don't want this person to have a bad image.
J : right. Neymar, how did it happened?
N : we were at the beach and I was in the water and Charlotte was playing with Davi and this person walked to them and took Davi and hit Charlotte in the face with no reasons.
J : why haven't you done anything ?
N : Because I didn't saw the person until Davi screamed.
J : why didn't you walked away Charlotte?
C : I didn't know the person and it all happened so fast that I couldn't walk away with Davi.
J : oh, Okay. Thank you so much for your time and have a nice match Neymar !

We walked out after 20 minutes and went into the locker room.
"See ? It wasn't so bad" Ney said laughing.
"Shut up, this was my first interview" i said hitting his chest.
"Come on babe, don't be mean" he said.
"I'm not mean" I said acting mad.
"Come here" He said walking towards me with his arms open.
"No" I said.
"Come on" He said coming closer.
"No" I said and my back touched the wall behind me.
"Now, you can't escape" he said smirking.
He took my cheek in his hand and kissed me roughly. It got heated until we heard voices behind us.
"Get a room you two!" We heard Gerard call.
"Shut up Piqué" Neymar said and I started to blush.
I saw Davi coming inside in Luis arms.
"Mãe ! Papai !" He called.
"I gotta go, Bye everyone" I said quickly and took Davi out of Luis arms and went to the private area.

I saw Shakira with Milan and went towards her.
"Hey Charlotte!" She said and hugged me.
"Hey Shak. Where's Antonella?" I asked confused.
"She wasn't feeling very well yesterday, so she stayed at home" she said putting Milan down.
"Oh okay, I hope she'll be better" I said and sat down.
"Hello Tia Cha !" Milan said and hugged me.
"Hello little Milan ! How are you ?" I asked him.
"I'm good ! Can I sit on you ?" He asked with his puppy eyes.
"Yeah sure" I said and put him on my lap.
"Mãe when is the game starting?" My little Davi asked.
"In five minutes sweetie" I said and stroke his cheek.
"Since when does he call you mãe ?" Shakira asked smiling.
"Since we went to the beach together in Barcelona" I said smiling at her.

The game is about to start and I really hope that they will win this against Real Madrid.
"Ladies and gentlemen, here are the lines up for Real Madrid" the commentator said and a lot of people cheered for real. (I know that some of the players I will say don't play for Real or Barça anymore)
"Number 1 Navas, N.12 Marcelo, N.4 Sergio Ramos, N.2 Varane, N.23 Danilo, N.7 Ronaldo, N.10 Rodriguez, N.11 Bale, N.19 Modríc, N.8 Kroos and finally, N.9 Benzema" the commentator said.
"Now, the lineup for Barcelona" he said and even more people cheered.
"N.1 Ter Stegen, N.18 Alba, N.14 Rafinha, N.3 Piqué, N.8 Inestra, N.20 Sergi Roberto, N.7 Arda, N.9 Suárez, N.11 Neymar Jr and finally, N.10 Messi" he said the boys were standing in line and we all sang the Spanish national anthem. After that, the game started and Barça had the ball, leo took it and ran as fast as he could to the net, Luis was standing by the net and no real defender was near him, leo passed the ball to Luis and he shoot into the net at only 10 minutes after the start.
In the 30th minutes, Ney had the ball, he managed to pass by 2 Real defenders and shoot the ball and it landed perfectly into the net. We all cheered, Barcelona was winning.
After the half time, Ney had the ball again and he passed it to Inestra, he shoot the ball and it slipped out the fingers off the Reak goalkeeper. We were winning 3-0 !
In the 70th minute, Alba had the ball, he passed by the Real defense and passed it to Luis and he got it into the net again. 4-0 for Barça !

At the 80th minute, a Real player had the ball, but Ney quickly took it again and ran towards the Real goal, a player came and pushed Ney onto the ground and Ney was laying there holding his knee.
The referee came immediately and took a red card out and the player was out. But Ney was still laying there on the ground holding his knee, the medical service came and looked at his knee. He tried to get up but he couldn't. They helped him up and walked with into the medical room.
"I take Davi, go check on him" Shakira said worried.
I put Milan in the chair next to me and went as quickly as I can into the medical room.
The medical staff was standing in front of a door.
"Excuse me, where is Neymar?" I asked them. They looked at me in a weird way
"Sorry but only family can go see him right now" they said.
"But I'm his girlfriend" I almost yelled at them.
"Yeah and I'm is brother" one of them said laughing.
I looked at them giving them the death glare and turned around and walked away. The match was finished, the Real players were coming back inside with their heads down.
They all looked at me like I wasn't in the right place.
"Sorry, are you lost ?" A tan curly hair player asked.
"No, I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come out of there" I said pointing at the medical room.
"You are Neymar's girlfriend right ?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm Charlotte" I said giving him my hand.
"I heard a lot about you. I'm Marcelo, I play with Ney in the national team"he said and took my hand.
"Marcelo ! What are you doing? Oh ! Hello beautiful" a tall man with brown eyes and hair said to me.
"That's Charlotte Martinez" Marcelo said to the man.
"I've heard about you, I'm Cristiano" the man said and kissed my hand.
"Nice to meet you" I said confused but I didn't show it.
"So they didn't let you in to medical room?" Marcelo asked.
"No, they didn't let me" I said.
"Let's try it with me" Marcelo said and took me to the room.
"Is Neymar inside there?" He asked the medical staff.
"Yes, he's in the last cabin" they said and let Marcelo and me inside.
"Oh and next time let his girlfriend see him first" Marcelo said and give them a death glare.

We went to the last cabin and saw Ney laying there with a bandage on his knee.
"Charlotte ! Why didn't you come earlier?" He asked confused.
"Sorry I tried but the stupid people at the door didn't let me in" I said and took his hand.
"We need to do something about that" he said mad.
"Not now, how are you" I asked.
"My knee hurts so badly and I can't practice for a week and I can't play in the next game" I said sadly.
"I thought it was worser than that, thank god" I said.
"I'm going back into our locker room, see you Ney" Marcelo said.
"See you, thanks for letting Charlotte in" Ney said and Marcelo walked away.
"He's nice" I said.
"His a good friend" Ney said still looking away from me.
"Hey, is everything okay ?" I asked stroking his cheek.
"I'm sorry" he said still not looking at me.
"Why do you need to be sorry ?" I asked confused.
"Because I didn't work hard enough" he said.
"You don't need to be sorry for anything, you did great and it's not your fault if you are in this room, you scored a goal and I'm very proud of you, and Davi is proud of you too, he almost cried when he saw you on the ground" I said squeezing his hand a little bit.
He looked directly into my eyes, I just go lost in his hazel eyes, he finally smiled again.
"Thanks, I love you" He said stroking my cheek.
"I love you too" I said and kissed him.
"When can you leave?" I asked.
"I don't know, they just made me this bandage and told me I couldn't play for a week" he said and tried to get up.
"Here, let me help you" I said and he put his arm around my neck.
He did a few steps and then he stopped
"Are you Okay ?" I asked confused.
"Yeah, I can walk but I still need help" he said and we walked out of the room and went to the locker room.
"I go get your stuff and then we can go, Davi is with Shakira and we're going to pick him up at the hotel" I said and went into the room.
"Sorry guys but I need to take Ney's stuff so please wear some clothes" I said and went inside.
"Hey Cha ! Where's Ney ?" Leo asked.
"Waiting for me outside, he can't play for at least a week" I said and finished taking all his stuff.
"Oh, I thought it would be worse" he said.
"Me too, but he can walk so it's not a big deal" I said and took Ney's bag and went out.
"Bye guys !" I called.
"Bye Cha!" The called back laughing.

I saw Ney standing there looking at me.
"Don't look at me like that" I said.
"Why ? I can look at my girlfriend in anyway I want" he said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"You have a pain in the knee, so come on, let's go back to the hotel" I said.

We walked out and there was a car waiting for us and I saw the Cristiano who talked to me earlier, he looked at me, almost staring in a weird way.
"Why is he looking at you like that ?" Ney asked mad.
"I don't know, he's weird" I said and went into the car.
"Don't talk to him, I don't trust him"
"Why should I talk to him ? I don't even know his name" I said laughing.
"You are mine babe" he said.
"And so are you" I said and kissed him.

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