Chapter 22 : is she ?✨

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Charlotte's POV

I finally arrived at Anto's place, she told me that Leo is in the city with Thiago and she also told Shakira to come over.
I knocked at the door and a sick Antonella opened the door for me.
"Hey Anto, how are you feeling?" I asked her and hugged her.
"I always want to throw up, and I feel kind of weird" she told me.
"Have you done anything?" I asked.
"No, I wanted to wait for you and Shak because I don't know what to do" she said and I could see that she's worried.
"Hey, everything's going to be alright" I said reassuring her.
"What if he doesn't want a second child ? I mean, we're not even married" she said almost crying.
"Anto, you really don't need to worry about that. If you're pregnant, Leo will so happy and all the others will be there for you" I said and hugged her again.
"Thanks Cha. You know, you're one of the only girls Neymar had dated that I really like, and also on of the only WAG that I like beside Shakira" she said and I laughed.
"Thank you, I guess" I continued laughing until Shakira came into the house without knocking.
"Anto ! How are you feeling ?" She asked her even more worried than me.
"I always have to throw up. But besides that, I'm a bit better" Anto said.
"Okay, so picked up multiple pregnancy tests. You already know how it works right?" She told Anto.
Antonella went into the bathroom while Shakira sat beside me on the couch.
"Charlotte, I wanted to ask you a question" Shakira said.
"Yeah, anything" I said a bit confused.
"Do you want to have a child one day?" She asked.
"Yes, maybe one day, but for know I need to take care of Davi and Ney" I said.
"You're a great mom for Davi, I'm glad Ney and you found each other" she said and smiled.
"I try my best to make them both happy, I could imagine being pregnant one day, but for now, we need to help Anto" I said and Antonella cane out of the bathroom.
"We have to wait at least 5 minutes. I'm so nervous. What if he doesn't want this baby?" She asked again.
"Antonella Roccuzzo, you don't need to worry about Leo not wanting this baby, and if he dare say that, I will personally kick his ass back to Argentina" Shakira said seriously and I almost scared Anto and me.
We waited 5 minutes and the time was up, it's time to see the results.
"Charlotte Can you check them ?" Anto asked.
I went into the bathroom and looked at the tests and went back to Anto and Shakira. I looked at the tests a second time just to be sure.
"So, I checked and they are all positive, congrats ! You're going to be a mom again !" I said and hugged her.
"Why are you crying" Shak asked.
"Thiago is going to be a big brother and Leo and I are going to be parents again! I'm just happy" she said and we did a group hug.
"When do you want to tell him ?" I asked.
"I want to do it Monday, after the game, and I want to have you all here too, so it's a surprise for everyone" she said and we did a group hug again.

The game

Neymar's POV

Today, we have a game against Atlético Madrid. I was excited because I love to play against them. Charlotte was kind of acting weird these past days. Since she got back from her trip to Antonella, she was hiding something and I want to know what it is.
"Leo and Anto invited us to a dinner after the match" I heard her say.
I went into the workout room and saw her texting on her phone.
"You should actually workout, not texting on your phone" I said smirking.
"Shut up Ney, you are always on your phone" she said and continued texting.
I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her.
"Why are you hiding babe" I whispered in her ear.
"You're going to find out soon Babe" she said and went back to her workout.
I need to get ready for our match.

After the match

"Ney, dinner at my place ! And Luis, Marc and Gerard too !" Leo called
"I know, Charlotte told me" I called back.
"Hey Leo, Charlotte is acting weird since she got back from her afternoon with Anto, do you know anything?" I asked him.
"No, but Anto is also acting a bit weird. I'm kind of worried" he said.
"I hope we'll find out soon" I said and went out of the room.
Charlotte and Davi were waiting for me outside, they were talking but I couldn't hear about what.
"Hey babe" Charlotte said as she saw me.
"Hey beautiful" I said and kissed her forehead.
"Anto texted me and she said that everything is ready and we can directly go to her house" she said while picking Davi up.
"Okay, let's go" I said and took her hand in mine.

Leo's house

Charlotte's POV

I was so nervous for Anto these past few days, but I went with her to the doctor and he confirmed that she's 6 weeks pregnant. I was excited for everyone to find out.
We arrived at the house and knocked at the door.
"Hey guys" Anto said and hugged me then Ney.
"Tia Anto !" Davi said excited.
"I've missed you mi pequeño !" She said and hugged him tightly.
We went into the dining room and Gerard and Shakira were already there. We waited until Leo came and started eating.
After about 30 minutes, Anto canne with a big box into the dining room and put it right in front of Leo.
"Open it, it's a present" Anto said.
Leo opened the box and there was a cake with "You're going to be dad again !" On it.
"You're joking right?" He asked her.
"No, it's serious" she said and me and Shak just smiled and Gerard and Ney were a bit shocked.
"Leo, I'm 6 weeks pregnant" she said and a big grin was finally on Leo's face.
"Omg! This is the best gift ever" Leo said and got up to hug Anto.
"Did you know about that?" Leo asked everyone.
"I swear I didn't know" Ney said putting his arms up.
"Me neither" Gerard also said.
"You two knew it ? Since when?" Leo asked shocked.
"Since we're back from Madrid. Congrats!" I said smiling.
"So that's why you were so mysterious these past days" Ney whispered in my ear.
"I'm sorry babe. But Anto wanted to wait until today" I whispered back.
"It's okay, just if you are pregnant one day, don't hide it from me" he whispered and smirked.
I hit him on the chest and laughed.

Our little dinner was amazing, we just laughed and talked the whole evening, the kids were sleeping and I was just so happy for leo and Anto.
Maybe one day I will also be pregnant and start my own little family, with Ney and my little Davi...

|| I hope you like this chapter ❤️ I didn't really had any inspiration but I still hope it's good❤️ don't forget to comment and vote ❤️ ||

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