Chapter 35 : telling

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Neymar's POV

"Great training guys, see you on Monday"

Training was done, I just want to go home and cuddle with Charlotte.
The training was okay, I have a few friends from the Brazilian national team who play in PSG, so I'm not alone

My phone rang and I had a message from Charlotte.
"Are you finished with the training ? I need to tell you something"
I wrote back.
"Yeah, I'll be home in 10 minutes"

Okay, now I'm a bit nervous, what does she want to tell me ? I hope nothing serious.

In the house

"I'm back" I yelled and no one responded, not even Davi or Mateo, something's on.
"Charlotte ?" I called

Then I saw her coming out of the kitchen and she put a bag on the table.
"Hey, Sorry i didn't hear you"
"Where's Anto ? Where are the kids ?"
"Anto is in the city with Davi and Mateo"
"Why ?"
"Because I need to tell you something and she wanted to let us alone"
Okay, now I'm getting nervous AF.
"Here, open this" She said and gave me a bag with something inside.
It was a little shoe, why is she giving me a little shoe.
"Keep looking" she said and I did that.
Then I took something out that looks like a pregnancy test.
"You're kidding right ?" I asked her as I looked at the test.
She just looked at me nervously.
Then I saw that it's positive.
"Ney, I'm pregnant"

As I heard these words, I was the happiest person on this planet.
"OMG I'm going to be pai again!"
I hugged her and took her in my arms.
"I thought you were going to be mad"
She said, I don't know why she thought I would be mad.
"Why would I be mad ? This is one of the best days of my life! We're going to have a baby !"
"I love you" She said.
"I love you too, and this little baby too"

Then we just cuddled on the sofa until we both fell asleep.

Later that night

I woke up by the sound of a door opening, I was still laying on the couch with Charlotte, my hands on her stomach. The door opened and I saw Anto with an asleep Davi in her arms.
"Hey Anto" I said and went to hugg her not waking Charlotte up.
"Hey, could you go and get Mateo from the car ?"
"Yes, no problem, you can put Davi in his bed"

I went to the car and Mateo opened his eyes.
"Hey buddy, you can go sleep, I'll put you in a bed"
"Holà tío"
"Holà Mateo" I said and kissed his cheek.
Then I put him next to Davi in his bed and went downstairs.
"Don't worry she's still sleeping" Anto said and mentioned Charlotte.
"When did you found out ?"
"When you were at training, Shakira knows too"
"Charlotte said she wants the team here to tell them in a few weeks and family too" she added.
"Okay, but I want to tell it Rafa too, she's my sister"
"Ask Charlotte, but I'm sure she'll be okay with that"
"Anyway, I had a lot of fun with the two little guys, I'm going to sleep" she said and went upstairs.
"Okay, goodnight Anto and thanks for being here"
"No problem Ney, we're family" this made me smile and I went back on the couch to sleep.

Next day

Charlotte's POV

I woke up, still on the couch with Neymar's arms on my stomach.
"Shit, i have to trow up" I said to myself and immediately ran into the bathroom.
I felt someone take my hair back and when I was done I just sat on the ground and closed my eyes.
"You're okay ?"
I opened my eyes and saw Neymar sitting down in front of me.
"I can't do this" I muttered
"Of course you can, you're strong. This is our baby, To be honest i wasn't expecting this now, the time doesn't matter because it's our baby, you can't imagine how happy I am"
"But this will change everything, it won't be the same when the baby is here, I'm scared of that, of you leaving me because of it"
"It will change the way we live because we'll be one person more, but it won't change the fact that I love you no matter what, you're amazing, you're beautiful, you're my best friend and that's why I love you. And this baby won't change anything of that"
"I'm scared Neymar"
He came to hug me tightly.
"I am too, but this is a new chapter in our life and it will be amazing. And don't forget, Davi loves you and I love you, you're not alone"

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