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(Mark's POV) 

Jack and I decided to go with being friends... for now. He had to gain back my trust before we go any further. He understood perfectly. 

"Well, so I have less of a chance of screwin' up," he began. "Could ya tell me about yerself?" 

I told him pretty much everything he didn't need to ever ask me about. That included my dad, bullying, and not eating. 

"Wait, excuse me?" he started, after hearing the last one. "What do you mean, not eating? Are you... are you starving yourself?" 
"Jack, you're on thin ice," I warned. 
"I don't care, Mark. You need tuh' eat. I've already lost a friend due to anorexia nervosa. Please don't do that to yourself. You're too beautiful tuh' be damagin' yerself like that." 
"Jack, please don't make me talk about this..." 
"Mark, if ya keep this up, you could die. I don't want ya tuh' die."
"Jack, you have no idea what it's like to be me. It hurts."
"I know it does, but I've already told ya, I'll deal with those bastards when tha' time comes. I promise."
"...Thanks, Ja-"

I cowered down. I was at lunch, so there was no way I could leave. Jack sat close to me and looked ready to fight if needed. I saw Sven, Jax, and Ace coming my way.
Suddenly, Jack got closer to me and secretly held my hand under the table. 

"I'll protect you," he whispered into my ear. 
"Why the hell are you hanging out with him, Jack," Ace asked. 
"Yeah," Sven agreed. "He's just a fuckin' weirdo!" 
"He's not weird," Jack replied. "There are more people than him who do this." 
"Yeah, but he's the only one that does it here," Jax replied. "It's fucking weird an unnatural!" 
"To be quite honest, I think it's cute..." 
"The fuck?!" they all yelled. "You what?!" 
"I said. I. Think. It's. Cute." 
"You'll pay for doing this, McLoughlin," Ace growled. 

Ace turned to me. 

"See you later, Fischbach." 
"We'll see about that," Jack growled at him. 

They left. 

"You deal with that bullshit everyday?" Jack asked.
"Yeah. I can't get around it unless I just don't come to school."
"Well, from now on, I'll help you." 

I smiled. No one has tried to help me before. This was new to me, so I'll have to get used to it. I told him so. 

"So yer tellin' me that Felix nor Marzia have tried tuh' help ya," Jack asked. 
"They have, but I don't want them getting in trouble," I sighed.
"That's called defense. If ya can't, they're defendin' you."
"Still. Felix'll get kicked off the basketball team, and Marzia off of cheer. I don't wanna do that to them..."
"Well, I'm not in any sports 'er anythin'. I can help." 

I smiled. After school, me and Jack waited for the bus. For some odd reason, he had to go get something. He left, so I just sat there. That was, until those three assholes came up to us. I swear, they're not gonna leave us alone. 

"Told you I'd see you later," Ace smiled. 
"Fuck off, Ace," I growled. 
"Aw, now don't be like that," he grinned deviously. "I... I wanted to talk to you." 
"Fuck. Off." 

He pushed me into the wall, pinning me there. 

"GET OFF!" I yelled. 

No one heard me. 

"What Jack doesn't know won't hurt him," Ace snickered. 

He suddenly bit my neck, leaving really dark hickeys. I struggled more to get him to let me go, but he kicked me in my ankle hard. I cried out, only to hear an angry Irish voice.

"GET THA' FOOK AWAY FROM HIM," Jack growled.

Ace let me go and ran. Jack wanted to go after him, but knew he needed to be with me. He checked my ankle, which hurt like a bitch!

"Awe shite," he groaned.
"What," I asked.
"He sprained yer ankle. I'm gonna get you to a hospital."
"Welp, there goes my chance of being a male cheerleader..." 
"Aw, and I really wanted tuh' see ya dance..." 

I blushed and giggled, making him smile and blush. But, I went to the hospital, where they said I'd have to use a brace and crutches at school for the next month and a half.
That went right through Christmas. Today was the twenty-sixth of November. This meant I couldn't do very much with Jack. Fuck... 

"Do ya just wanna talk until they get done with yer stuff?" 

We just talked and got into pretty deep stuff. 

"Have you had any past relationships?" 
"Just one... And if I tell you, you have to promise you won't tell anyone else." 
"I don't tell secrets. Go ahead." 
"That fooker!? Are ya serious?!" 
"At the time, he seemed really nice... But after about three months of dating, he started to get abusive. I had to have Felix and Marzia get me out of it. I have this scar to prove it." 

I pulled my sweater to show him a 3-inch scar along my bicep. He gasped in shock. 

"It just makes me wanna rip him apart," Jack growled. "Is that why he's still hurtin' you?" 
"Yes... He's always wanted me back. I denied him one too many times, so he had enough and found a new way to hurt me..." 
"Yeah... That's one thing I can't stop..." 
"Mark... I wish I'd known. But... I promise you... I'll keep you safe..." 

He put his thumb under my chin and brought me to his lips. We kissed for a mere few seconds, until my mom walked in. She was happy that Jack would protect me with his life, as well as that we were together. I just hoped that Jack didn't get hurt, over me... 

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