An Angel's Cry

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(Mark's POV) 

Ace wasn't letting up on what he was doing. He started slow, using kisses and such. I wasn't falling for it. I got over him a long time ago. I wasn't gonna give him any satisfaction. 

"So," he began. "Not falling for it, huh?" 
"I got over your kisses a long time ago, Ace," I growled. "Nothing will break me, if that's what you're trying to do." 
"Oh, but I know there is... Remember what I tried to do, just as your precious Felix and Marzia intervened last time?" 

No... he didn't mean-! 

"That's right," he smirked, seeing my fear. "And they're not here to save you this time..." 

(Jack's POV) 

We were very close tuh' Mark's location. I could feel tha' anger risin' in me, and an essence in me that I've kept under wraps fer years. I couldn't let it go now, or I'd possibly hurt Mark. 
We saw the warehouse and parked a little away. Felix stayed with tha' car, and I'd go in. I walked quietly, sneaking next to tha' door. I heard somethin' I hated tuh' hear... My angel's cry. I busted in that door faster than ya could blink, scarin' whoever was inside. But at that point, when I saw Mark, I lost it. 

(Anti's POV) 

I took over, fully angry what happened tuh' Mark. Jack and I were friendly with each other and shared the same likings, includin' Mark. I wasn't about tuh' let Ace get away with hurtin' him. I looked Ace dead in the eye, makin' him freeze. I made my eyes glow. 

"Y̛o͘͜u ̡̢͢s͝ḩ́ou͘͡l̡̀d͡n'̴̀t͘'v̧́e͠͞ ͢͞m̵̕e͏s̕s̀̀͡e͠d̴͢ ̵͞w̴͠i̶̸t̷h̡͘͞ ͟͡͡M̡͘͢a̶̶͘rk͘͡ ," I growled. "Nǫ͟w ̡ye͏͠͞r͜͝ ͞gó͠͡n̶n͜͢͝a ̴̵r̶͞e̡̢ģ̶r͡͡ę͟t͏ i̢͢t͏́.̡̀.̷͢.̶͟" 

I advanced towards him, but he started tuh' run. 

"N͡ơ̕t͞ ̷̵͜şo̶̡ ̶͞f̷̕a̷̢s̡t̕͝!͜!̛͟" 

I grabbed tha' back of his shirt and tugged him back. Mark knew I was there, but couldn't see me since he'd been blindfolded. 

"Jack?!" he yelled. 

I beat tha' livin' shit out of Ace. First, I socked him in tha' chest, knockin' him through tha' wall. After about two more minutes, he looked like shit.
But I knew I had tuh' make sure he didn't remember tha' entire ordeal, otherwise, Jack could get in trouble. So, I used my powers to erase all that he's seen today. After that, I let Jack take back over. 

(Mark's POV) 

I heard Jack's voice, but unfortunately, couldn't see him. I heard his voice and him fighting Ace. Then, footsteps came my way. I was scared it was Ace, until I heard an assuring Irish voice. 

"Mark?" Jack began. "Are ya alright?" 

He took off the blindfold, then the chains off my wrists. I hugged him immediately, needing as much comfort as I could get. There's no way I can get over what just happened... That motherfucker, Ace, stole my only innocence I had left... 
I couldn't let Jack know, or he'd LITERALLY kill him. But, at the same time, I wanted Ace to pay for this. 

"What did that bastard do tuh' you," Jack asked, cupping my face in his hands. "I saw a little, and it like to have made me fookin' blood boil. What else did he do?" 
"What did you see?" I asked, starting to cry. 
"I saw enough... I promise, he'll pay fer takin' your innocence..." 
"I feel so bad..." I sobbed. "I was supposed to lose that to someone I really loved, not like this..." 
"Shhh," he shushed, rubbing my back comfortingly. "Shhhh, angel... ya had no idea this was gonna happen. Don't blame yerself fer this. This was all his fault, not yours..." 

I just sat there, sobbing into Jack's shoulder, until we heard police sirens. Then, Felix rushed in with some cops. 

"Mark!" he gasped, running over. "Helig skit..." 
"Felix?" I asked. 
"Are you okay, man?! I was so worried!" 

As the police asked me questions, Jack filled Felix in on what happened. They said that Ace would be in jail for the next three years, for kidnapping, assault, and rape.
I was so glad that he would finally be gone... Now all I'd have to deal with is Jax and Sven, who weren't much without their leader. 
The paramedics that came said I should go to the hospital to get checked out. I did, and they told me things I already knew. I just sat there, talking to Jack the entire time. 

"I'm never gonna get over this, Jack," I sniffled, on the verge of breaking again. 
"I wouldn't expect ya tuh' get over it soon," he sighed. "But I promise, I'll help ya all tha' way through it. I swear on me life." 

I smiled. I must be the luckiest teen alive to have this miracle of a man. If I'm correct, he was probably sent by Dad himself, just for me... Jack actually filled that void where my dad used to be, which was surprising. But, I was happy that I could finally be happy with the one I love... 

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