Episode 1: Pilot

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Episode Description: The story of several survivors following the aftermath of a worldwide nuclear war.

The sun was setting, the air was cool, and the land was rather lonely. Out on the Barrens there were settlements every several kilometres, but they were small. Fifty people max. The largest settlement was some sixty kilometres away, Jericho.

Jericho was massive. The largest settlement in the area that people know of. Some two thousand people lived there and those numbers grew all the time. It had a real government too which was extremely rare, but that only existed in and of itself, but again, Jericho is real far from here.
I live in Torrid Town.

Torrid Town is smaller than most settlements. Most people call it a camp actually. They think it's too small to even consider a settlement. There's exactly thirty four people here, but Mrs. Laysha is pregnant so hopefully we'll have thirty five soon.
My name is Chris, I'm nineteen and live alone. My parents aren't dead though, they live together in a different settlement. Stupid rules. Yeah, it's complicated.

You see, if you're settlement or town or whatever you live in has too many people that food and water become a problem then people just start to get kicked out. Me? I was kicked out like two years ago. Yeah, by my parents, but who needs them right. The world is a big and scary place, but it's a lot more fun and exciting when you don't have a leash around your neck that is seemingly getting tighter and tighter.

My house thing is small. It's not really a house. It's a small like REAL small barn that I conversed into somewhat of a living space. There's a bed and.... well that's all. Everything else is in my backpack that I carry around like everywhere I go.

Oh wait I do have a rifle! It's under my bed in case some person tries to invade my house. Now that I think about it, it's kinda pointless, I mean as soon as you come into the house my bed is literally right there. There's no way I could grab a rifle from under my bed in time before someone else shoots me. But who would want MY house? It's a piece of shit.

Anyways, Torrid Town isn't all too bad compared to other settlements. We have enough water for everyone and it's clean too. There was a settlement that died out a few years ago because people were drinking water that had radiation traces in it. Yikes.

Okay okay, but seriously.

This is my story....


2019: US and Russia agree to construct a defence system against Nuclear Weapons

2020: Japan attempts to bargain a deal with both The States and Russia to get in on the project, States decline.

2021: Japan and USA have rising tensions. North Korea threatens a full invasion of South Korea. Russia cuts deal with China for funding a Nuclear Defence program.

2021: Japan threatens to launch ballistic missiles at Hawaii if USA abandons them.

2022: USA cuts ties with Russia and funds their own project. Enraged, Russia partners with Japan and China.

2024: North Korea invades South Korea and islands off the coast of Japan.

2024: Russia, Japan, and China declare war on Korea. Korea begins invading China.

2025: USA nears completion of a Nuclear Defence system. North Korea launches first nuclear bomb on Japan since WWII.

2025: China launches two bombs in retaliation. Russia threatens USA with bombs unless they back the war effort.

2025: USA goes to war against Korea, three bombs are launched at major US cities and the defence system fails.

2026: By November 2026 a total of seventy four bombs have been launched world wide. War comes to a sudden haunt as countries are severely depleted of resources and people.

A Nuclear TV Show - Season 1Where stories live. Discover now