The New Girl

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Cordelia had gotten a call from a concerned mother about her daughter's growing, uncontrollable powers, wanting to know if she could send her there. As usual, Cordelia said yes, knowing how hard it could be to have a daughter who didn't know or understand her powers.

As she looked through the paperwork, she wondered where to place the girl. They were running out of rooms, and with everyone returning back from the holiday break, the three houses were full. Almost every room was full of four girls, and if not there were three. They tried to arrange them by age and/or powers. In the main house the girls ranged from six to twelve, in the second were the ones as young as three to six, and in the last house are there the oldest lived, the thirteen to nineteens.

She didn't know which house to stick the girl in since she was twelve, about to turn thirteen. She checked the rooms from the third house, seeing they were on the brink of adding a fourth girl to every room. She started to wonder if Lila would mind sharing her room. They were the same age, and they shared the similar powers of pyrokinesis, telekinesis, and transmutation, and by the mother's description of her daughter, they seemed the same with their antisocial and tomboyish aspects.

Cordelia got up from her desk and made her way into the greenhouse, where she knew Lila would be. As she walked into the building, she could hear the soft melody of Stevie Nicks playing. She looked around before spotting her daughter in the back corner hunched over a spell book.

"Lila?" she called out, not wanting to scare her.

The girl picked up her head, turning to look at her mother sleepily. "Hey, Mom. What's up?"

"I wanted to ask you something, but you seem really tired. How long have you been in here?"

"Since five AM. I couldn' sleep this mornin'."

"Why not, baby girl?" Cordelia asked as she sat next to her daughter.

"I dunno... I jus' haven' been able to sleep lately. I get maybe two or three hours, then I'm up, or I don' fall asleep until ungodly hours." She explained.

"Do you want to try the sleeping serum Momma made me?"

"Sure," Lila smiled softly as she rested her head on her hand. "What did ya want to talk to me 'bout?"

"Well, rooms are filling up... and, there's a new girl coming in. She's your age, and you share similar powers and likings. I was wondering if you would mind sharing your room for a while... at least until I can find somewhere else to place her."

The young witch thought for a moment. "Would we move my room 'round a lot?"

"Not really. You can keep everything. We'll just have to figure out how to stick another bed in there."

"I don' think I mind."

"Alright. She'll be here in two weeks." Cordelia informed the girl.

"Where's she comin' from?"

"Savannah, Georgia. Her mother said she's going to pull her from school, but it will be a process. That's why it'll be a while before she gets here."

"I think that gives me some time to move thins 'round," Lila said with a small smile.

So, over the next two weeks, with the help of Misty and Zoe, Lila moved around her room to occupy another full-sized bed. She was happy that she was able to keep her dresser that housed a TV and record player, her desk, and two large bookshelves.

Over the two week period, she grew fond of the idea of having a roommate. She felt somewhat left out as she got older, seeing that some of the girls were closer to those they roomed with, yet there were others who hated those they roomed with. She was hoping that she and this new girl would get along once she arrived.

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