The Talk

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TamiresAlmeida1 , thank you so much for this idea.


As class ended, girls rushed out of the room, headed to their next class or their rooms for a break. Cordelia looked up from the desk to see Beatrix still working on her notes. She saw the girl was having trouble and decided to get up. She walked over to the girl, seeing she was trying to finish her flashcards from English to Latin.

"Lila can always help you, you know." The Supreme said.

"Shit!" Bea yelled as her hand flew up to her chest. "Sorry..." she said softly as she looked up.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine."

Cordelia took the seat from the next desk, and sat down on it, next to the red-headed girl. "Can I look?"

She handed over the card, hoping her writing wasn't too terrible to read. She chewed on her bottom lip as she watched the woman look through the notes and card.

"You're doing well... as I said, Lila will help you study. She's helping Daisy."

"Daisy's already learnin'?"

"Most of the girl who come here that early do learn then. Lila learned Latin when she was five, but that was only because she spent too much time in the greenhouse with Misty." Cordelia explained, handing over the notes and index cards back over.

"Wow," Beatrix breathed out. "I don't get how easy it was for her."

"It comes natural to some girls, while others struggle. There's nothing wrong with it."

The girl felt at ease that she could have a simple, easy conversation with the Supreme and not feel as if her heart was about to burst from her anxieties.

Bea looked down at her hands that laid neatly on her lap. "Do you think... maybe I could talk to you about somethin'? I can't really talk to my momma when she's so far, a-and I kind of see you as a mother figure." She looked back up. "Is that weird?"

"Not at all. I saw my headmistress as a mother figure." The woman smiled softly. "Honey, you can talk to me about anything, and if there's ever an issue, come to me. That's what I'm here for."

Beatrix nodded, "I uh..." she looked back down. "I think, well..." she sighed, shaking her head, hating that she couldn't just spit it out. "I think I like someone, but I ain't real sure. It's not that I'm confused it's that I don't think they like me back, and I'm not good with rejection." She explained in a fast pace.

"Wow, wow, slow down there," Cordelia chuckled. "Have you ever liked anyone before?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, who hasn't?" Bea laughed nervously.

"Is this like that other time?"

"No, not really. I've had crushes and stuff, but it's just... different."

"How so?"

"She... she's cool and cute." The girl smiled. "She's straight through."

"You never know," Cordelia said, knowing exactly who she meant. "I thought Misty was straight, that was until I got to know her better, then I started to question things," she said with a small laugh.

"What do you mean?"

"No straight woman can love Stevie Nicks that much."

Bea let our a small chuckle. "Yeah... I just, I don't know. I don't want to ruin things. I don't want to screw this up."

"Then, you need to just let it play out. If this girl likes you too, eventually it'll happen."

"Was that how it was for you and Misty?"

Cordelia looked down a small smile on her face. "No, things were a bit different there. I knew I liked her, and I was pretty sure she liked me back, but I wasn't positive. One day, we were in the greenhouse, and I just started babbling. She basically shut me up with a kiss, but I don't suggest doing such. Misty and I are both adults, but you're only twelve. Take things slow, even after you find out how this other girl feels. Don't rush things, you've got your whole life to see how things can turn out."

"You sounds just like my momma," Beatrix smiled. "Thank you, Miss Cordelia."

"You're welcome, honey." The woman smiled, wrapping one arm around the girl as she kissed the top of her head. "If you need to talk anytime, just come find me."

"I will," Bea said before grabbing her school things and leaving the classroom.

Cordelia smiled to herself as she walked back to her desk. She knew that Beatrix was a good girl with good intentions and that if she did like Lila the way she described, they would share their feelings in no time.

She heard footsteps coming into the room and looked up to see Misty with a few books in her arms. "Darlin', I found them books ya wanted." She said as she walked to the desk.

"Thank you, baby." Cordelia smiled before placing a small kiss on her wife's lips.

"Course, babydoll. How was class?"

"Good. I got to talk to Beatrix."

"Oh?" The Cajun sat atop the desk. "What was said?"

"She wanted some advice and said she sees me as a mother figure. She asked about liking someone, and I knew she was talking about Lila."

"What did ya tell her?"

"To take it slow, let things play out. She thinks Lila is straight."

"There's no way she's straight." Misty laughed. "I know her, and she's at least bisexual. The way she talked 'bout Bea was like a gay light goin' off for her."

"I know," Cordelia laughed as well. "They'll figure it out. You were right, they'll be fine."

"I know I'm right," the younger witch smiled cheekily.

The Supreme scoffed, "Shut up."

Misty leaned down, "Ya' still love me."

"I do," Cordelia leaned up to kiss her lover's lips. "Get back to the greenhouse class will be starting soon."

"Yes, Miss Cordelia," she teased before getting up.

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