Happy Birthday

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I know this is out of place and late. As I write these, if they're before others that are already written, I'm going to move them around so hopefully they're be in some kind of order.

I hope you guys enjoy this one.


Misty made sure she woke up earlier than her wife. The night before she tired Cordelia out, hoping it would make her sleep in longer.

She tiptoed her way into Lila's bedroom to wake the girl. "Sweet-pea, ya gotta get up."

"Jus'... jus' five more minutes." She mumbled before turning away from her mother.

"Lila, baby, please. Ya gotta help me with Mom's birthday."

The girl sighed as she slowly sat up. "Wake Daisy, and I'll meet you two downstairs."

"Okay." Misty said softly before leaving her eldest daughter's room, and going into her youngest's.

She saw the girl sprawled on her bed with the blankets kicked off and her teddy bear held tightly in her arms. The mother smiled at the sight before she walked over to the bed, and sat on the edge.

"Hey, baby. Ya gotta get up."

"No!" Daisy said roughly before turning on her side.

"I'll let ya help make Mommy's breakfast."

"Do I get hot cocoa?" She asked, turning her head just slightly to look at her mother.

"Only if you get up."

Daisy huffed, but sat up. "You've got to carry me."

"I thought I would."

Misty picked up the girl, feeling her wrap her arms and legs around her body.

"What are we making Mommy?"

"Well, her favorite breakfast is sunny side up eggs, bacon, and toast with coffee. Lila's gonna help us." The Cajun explained as she walked them downstairs.

"Mm, that sounds yummy. Are we going to make some for us too?"

"We sure can, monkey."

The girl giggled softly at the nickname. She smiled when she was sat at the counter. "Can I make Mommy's coffee?"

"Let Lila, she knows how."

"Okay," she sighed.

Lila walked into the kitchen with her curls up in a small bun, in an oversized sweater she pulled from her mothers' clothes, and fuzzy socks. She yawned as she walked over to grab the kettle off the stove.

"Momma, are ya wanting tea too?"



She filled the kettle before setting it on the burner, and then over to the coffee pot.

"Can I have some?" Daisy asked.

"Coffee of tea?" The older sister questioned.


"Dais, ya're too young for coffee. I'll make ya some hot cocoa or chocolate milk if ya want."

"Hot cocoa!"

"Alright," Lila laughed as she grabbed four mugs from the cupboard.

Misty placed the slices of bread into the toaster, and started the bacon. Once the kettle started to whistle, Lila pulled it from the burner, and added a green tea teabag to her mug, and black tea to her mother's. Once the coffee was done she added the cream and sugar, and then she made Daisy's hot cocoa.

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