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ALL of the swearing ahead, just as a warning. I'll do a fluffy chapter full of tooth-rotting sweetness next to make up for it, if you for whatever reason don't like to swear.

Anyway, heyy, guys. Today I was listening to my music and doing homework, which is something I totally remember to do every single day (that I'm assigned homework, that is) because I am a very responsible little Ravenclaw. Just so you know, I am an avid music fan. Any and every time I possibly can at school, earbuds are in. I listen to music on my way out to the buses or to be picked up, and on the bus to and from school. Half the time I'll be dancing to it on the way, because it's just a dance-y song and I just fucking feel like it, because dancing is fun, no matter how terribly I do it. I like a lot of different kinds of music, too, but I mostly listen to pop music that's a few years old, and doesn't ever play on the radio anymore.

So again, I was listening to my music while doing my homework, and I just came across one really good song which reminded me of a DIFFERENT really good song and prompted me to look up THAT song. Then I decided they were both so awesome they needed to be shared, so here they are, in order that I heard them, and including lyrics, so you don't miss anything. The first is "Fuck You" by Lily Allen, and the second is "The Dickhead Song" by Miles Betterman. If you have anyone in your life that either of these songs apply to, I sincerely apologize, and I encourage you to send whichever song works best to that person.

There you go. May the Force of the music be with you, friendly friends.

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