Chapter 11: Commander Of Death.

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President Cage was more than happy with his new creation. A Shadow Blood Reaper leading his army of monsters. His delight at the situation was only increased, as he learned that I was not only one of The Commanders Ambassadors but also the woman she had fallen in love with.
As we marched our forces to meet with the rest of Cage's army I heard the sound of drums beating across the landscape. Lexa had already anticipated that Trikru would be the next target of The Shadow Bloods. Warriors from each clan and from Polis stood alongside one another. The Commander had every intension of making a stand, of putting an end to this war.
The open field where two opposing forces met was surrounded by the woods of the Trikru Clan. Cage knew full well we would be at a disadvantage if we took this fight into the trees. An open arena was far more beneficial for our guns, which surprised us all when were we met by Lexa's army in this vulnerable battlefield.
Sitting on horseback, I watched beneth hooded clothing as Cage rode towards the centre of the field, flanked by two of his soliders. Lexa followed suit. I remembered her face, her black warpaint as though it was from another life. She carried pain in her eyes, but I felt nothing, no love, no emotion other that the need to kill as many of her warriors as I could. 
The sound of their voices carried on the wind, two leaders meeting for the first time, neither of them willing to back down.
"At last we meet, Commander Lexa. I've heard much about you," Cage spoke with his usual unessecary pleasantries .
Lexa was stone cold, "I care not for tales you may or may not have heard about me. I'm here for blood, your blood and that of your abominations. This land of my ancestors will be covered in it before the night is out."
Cage seemed amused by her tone, "A flair for the dramatic it seems. No matter. Now that I see the rabble before me, any concerns I may have had about the strength of the Great Commander Lexa and her army has faded. A little bird told me you may have had guns and things that go 'boom'. I see no such threat just natives with crude weapons."
"You underestimate my people. That will cost you and your soliders," Lexa threatened.
"I have no intention of risking the lives of my soliders until it becomes necessary. It's far more enjoyable watching your own people cut you down. You see, I have my own Commander of Savages, a Shadow Blood with death on her mind." Cage motioned at me.
I rode forward into veiw, my face still hidden. Lexa looked on with intrigue at the figure before her.
I remained silent as I threw the severed head of Otan to the ground in disrespect. Pulling my hood from my face, I revealed my identity. Lexa looked on horror, my blue eyes now dark, my hair no longer blonde but stained red with Otan's blood. Black warpaint streaked down my face in honour of the new blood that flowed through my body.
"Clarke?" Lexa said in shock.
I took a dagger from my belt and sliced it into my hand. Holding it up, I squeezed tightly so she could see the black blood dripping from it.
"Clarke is dead. My name is Wanheda!"
A heart that was already broken was now completly shattered.

Lexa turned to Cage in fury as he sat proudly upon his horse, "What did you do to her?""I gave her a new life

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Lexa turned to Cage in fury as he sat proudly upon his horse, "What did you do to her?"
"I gave her a new life. Be thankful I didn't leave her to die with a bullet in her chest, Commander!" Cage snarled.
I watched as Lexa's eyes narrowed, the anger building. She swiftly drew her sword at Cage, I grabbed my own and blocked her blade, protecting my new leader. My eyes met her's, I saw surprise and sorrow and showed her only hate.
Cage simply smiled, "Take it easy, Commander. It would be a shame to end things so quickly here and now when I know Wanheda craves your blood on the battlefield. It seems some bonds never truly fade, they just change purpose. Love, hate, life, death are always in a constant state of flux. Heda and Wanheda are no different."
Lexa lowered her sword as did I, "You assume too much, Shadow Blood. You think you know me, you think you know the heart of a Heda. It has no weakness, it does not break when challenged and it will always fight for it's people. The moment The Mountain took Takoma, the moment you turned your red blood black, the moment you forced our loved ones to kill their own kin, you and your people were already dead. You see us as savages, Cage. I tell you now, you have no idea!"
I watched as Lexa turned her horse and rode away with her warriors.
Cage had angered the most powerful figure in Grounder society, The Commander of The Thirteen Clans. Lexa knew he had no reason to turn me into a Shadow Blood, that Cage did it out of pure disrespect, a personal insult aimed directly at her. The intension was spiteful, designed to rattle Lexa's composure at a time when she needed to keep her focus. To a degree I knew that it had worked. She'd been told I was killed at the hands of The Mountain Men, only to find the woman she loved now stood with her enemies, changed into the very thing she was meant to despise.
The battle to come, would be a test of body and mind for Commander Lexa. For me it was simple, I welcomed the bloodshed and the fight ahead, I craved it.
Looking at Lexa as she regrouped with her army, I saw the faces of those I once knew so well. The war horn couldn't sound quickly enough. My blade was ready, my intension clear, I would kill them all and when my past was erased, I would look Lexa in the eyes and smile as my sword took her from this life.

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