Chapter 21: The Missile.

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The missle was situated in a secluded part of the bunker and would be under more protection than what I'd already faced. A  sword would not be enough to defend myself, so for the first time in my life I now had guns as my guardians. The two handguns from the body of the dead guard would prove more than adequate as I moved to engage the final phase of Mount Weather's demise.
I entered the lift and swiped my security card to access an area called, Section Thirteen. Very apt, considering the purpose of the missile was to debilitate The Thirteen Clans of my people.
My heart drummed in my chest as I waited for those doors to open. I remembered watching Mount Weather's soliders preparing their guns before The Battle For Trikru and readied the weapons I now held in my hands.
I was thankful for the adrenaline that surged through my body, eliminating my doubts and fears. There could be no hesitation, no margin for error. It was now or never.
The lift stopped and there was a brief pause before the doors opened. Down the corridor in front of me were four guards, two either side of the access door to the missile room and two by the control room.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I raised my weapons and opened fire on those that stood in my way. They never knew what hit them. My aim was as accurate with a firearm as it was with my arrows. One by one they fell to my bullets as I strived forward.
The door to the control room was clear. I swiped my key card and marched into the room. The personnel inside were technicians, not soliders or guards. They'd heard the gunshots, saw Wanhead before them and expected to now face their own demise.
I paused for a second, seeing the fear in their eyes, thinking about what I had become, but this was war, I had no room left for mercy in my soul.
"I'm sorry." I uttered as I opened fire, executing every person in that room.
I breathed deeply, centred myself, ready to fulfil my duty to my people.

Accessing the radio, I once again called upon Raven to guide me through what was about to bring The Mountain crumbling down

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Accessing the radio, I once again called upon Raven to guide me through what was about to bring The Mountain crumbling down.
"Raven! I'm at the missile console. I need to lock this thing down and set the self destruct sequence." I said urgently over the radio.
"Ok, access the launch mode. There's gonna be a section for the missile release mechanism." Raven's theory was correct. I followed her guidence to locking down the launch systems, securing the missile to its location inside of Mount Weather.
"Bellamy, do you read me? What's your situation?" I asked.
"There's alot of Reapers in those tunnels, Clarke. The Commander and her warriors are holding them off whilst we release our people." He replied frantically.
"How much time do you need to get everyone out?"
There was a short pause before he responded, "With the amount of people down here an hour at least."
"Copy that!" I said, hoping they would've needed less time.
"Raven, we need to set this thing for sixty minutes. I'm not seeing a way to access the detonation sequence on here." I felt a sense of panic wash over me.
"They'll probably have limited personnel with authorisation to set it. You'll need their security  pass." Raven advised.
I looked at the body that lay nearest to me and searched it for what I needed. Eventually I found a swipe card that looked promising.
Sliding it down the card reader on the console, it immediately gave me the access I needed. I set the detonation sequence for a sixty minute count down and synchronised the timer on the watch I took from one of the dead guards.
"Raven, the timer is set."
"Ok, you need to firewall the system so Mount Weather can't override it and shut it down. Type in the code I'm about to give you."
I followed Ravens instructions, all the time wishing I'd paid more attention in tech classes when I was younger. Suddenly the screen went black showing only the self destruct timer. Ravens code was successful.
As I moved to make my way out of the room, a loud siren screeched out around the facility. One of the technicians was still alive. I was too distracted to see him reaching under his work station to press an alarm as he was bleeding out. In anger I walked over to the man who was already close to death and put a bullet in his head.
Mount Weather had now been alerted to an attack. It wouldn't be long before the entire complex was overrun with what was left of their military.

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