Chapter 19: The Lions Den.

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The eight hour trek back to Mount Weather was halved after we'd taken the horses from two Skaikru warriors that were patrolling the woods. All part of the plan.
We rode up to the west entrance of The Mountain and dismounted, ready to face Cage and what was left of his forces after The Battle For Trikru.
Access was granted when the security cameras outside of the doors alerted Cage to our presence. It wasn't a friendly reception, Mount Weather guards led us to Cage at gun point. It was standard procedure to show causion when missing soliders returned from battle, especially prisoners of war.
After being searched for hidden weapons, the guards took us straight to Cage's office. The leader of The Shadow Bloods, looked less smug than usual, his defeat on Trikru territory clearly bothered him.
"I'm told you were held by Skaikru, that you escaped Arkadia. Should I be concerned about your loyalty?"
Emerson answered, "We told them nothing, sir. Wanheda got us out of there, she's still one of us."
Cage didn't seen convinced. He approached and looked me up and down, "When was the last time you took The Red, Reaper?"
I remained stone cold as I answered, "Five hours ago, in front of Lieutenant Emerson."
He looked at Emerson who nodded to confirm.
Cage backed away and sighed, "You understand my dilemma here. Both of you are missing for days, in the hands of my enemies and all of a sudden you managed to find your way back to The Mountain. Trust and loyalty needs to be earned. Tell me, Wanheda, where is Commander Lexa?"
"The Commander will now be in TonDC, along with the Clan leaders and the majority of her forces as anticipated. You have a twenty four hour window to release that missile before they move to blockade The Mountain. Destroy TonDC, kill The Commander and you'll win this war."
Cage smiled, "Welcome back home, Wanheda."

His self-satisfied tone made me cringe

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His self-satisfied tone made me cringe. On the outside I looked emotionless but inside I felt nothing but contempt for the man who intended to massacre my people.
Cage had ordered us to clean up and report to our stations as he prepared for what would be his devastating attack on TonDC. As a precaution, Cage had a guard shadowing me at all times. A situation that I easily turned to my advantage.
I was given the task of preparing The Reapers for the attack on the remaining outposts after the missile had detonated. On my way to the mine tunnels, I seized the opportunity to kill the guard, taking his radio and access key card and the watch he wore in order to monitor my timescale.
Immediately I tuned the radio to Raven's frequency and began communication to end The Mountains regin of terror upon our people.
"Raven, do you copy?"
The radio crackled for a short while, until finally I heard her welcoming voice, "Loud and clear, Griffin!"
Relief washed over me, "Good to hear your voice, Reyes."
"You too. Skaikru ride with Lexa and King Roan to The Mountain. Bellamy has a radio, he'll activate it once they reach a safe distance from Mount Weather. How long until the missile is launched?" She asked.
"Cage has his team are working on its systems now. They're close, five maybe six hours max. I'm heading to take out the security cameras, then the acid fog. I'll be radio silent until I need you, can't risk drawing attention to what we're about to do. Stand by!" I replied as I made my way out back into the main facility.
"I'll be waiting. Watch your back in there, Clarke. Over and out!" Raven ended communication.
I switched off my radio and hid it in my pocket before I moved towards the surveillance room.
As I swiped the key card the door opened much to the surprise of the four men seated in front of monitor screens. There was no time to raise an alarm, no time to reach for their guns, it was over for them as soon as their eyes met those of Wanheda's.
Phase one was complete.

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