The Big Day

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All the girls had just finished getting their hair and make up done and now it was my turn the photographer had arrived as I was finished getting my make up done.

I had become a tad bit addicted to Twitter during the time I spent getting my make up done.

Niall came in and snapped a picture of me whilst I was getting my hair done.

I Was wearing a white robe that had "Future Styles" Written on it..-thank you Louis.

My phone beeper letting me know one of the boys had mentioned me in something it was Niall.

I have the honour of walking this stunning bride down the isle today and giving her to a very lucky man

Attatched was the picture he had taken a few moments ago. I favourited the tweet and thats when it hit me.

I was getting married to Harry Styles.

According to Louis, Harry Liam and Niall are very emotional at weddings and that it was most likely for them to cry.. which I don't think is true but we'll see.

My hair was now done and it was time for me to get my dress on.

Niall was in his black tux and all the girls were in their red bridesmaid dresses which flowed down to the floor.

They all were standing in the living room waiting for me to come down. I put my white dress on, it was strapless and stuck to my body until it got to my nears where it flowed it. The top part had sequences and a diamond piece going around the waist the flowing part had the same sequences as the bottom just not as much.

I walked out to the others the photographer was still here and was just taking photos and said he'd take pictures of us doing our own thing and then before we leave he'd take some of us with him giving us directions on where to sstand etc.

"You look beautiful" Perry exclaimed as I walked towards them.

Gemma walked over to me and hugged me.

"You look incredible I'm so happy Harry found someone like you" Gemma said and I couldn't help but smile.

Niall soon walked over and gave me a hug.

"Sarah you look absolutely Beautiful I can't believe my ltitle girl is getting married" Niall exclaimed engulfing me into another hug.

"Niall" I whispered

"Yes?" He answered

"Can't breathe" I whispered again.

He let go and I could see tears starting to form in your eyes.

"Niall are you, are you crying?" I asked shocked

"Its just you've been my bestfriend ever since I met you your like my sister and here you are getting married" Niall explained.

I wiped a tear from his eye and gave him a hug.

"Ill always be your best friend and little sister" I explained.

"As beautiful and weird as this whole little scenario is your 30 minutes late" Louise said.

"Shit" I exclaimed as we all ran out to the cars that awaited.

There was a limousine for the girls and Niall and I were going in the rolls Royce.

My phone beeped and it was a tweet Perry had put up.

That moment when @NiallOfficial cried because @SarahP3 is getting married and isn't his little girl anymore #heartbreaking

I laughed and showed Niall the tweet as I knew she posted it to get back at him for throwing water on her this morning.

We finally arrived at the church and I suddenly became more nervous.

"Oh god" I whispered

Niall gave my hand a rreassuring sqeeuze and helped me out of the car and into the church.

The music began to play as Niall linked my arm and walked me down past the sea of people and to the alter where Harry stood next to priest.

Niall handed me to Harry and took his seat.

The priest said a few words before the speech.

"Do you Harry Styles take Sarah Pritch to love and cherish in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

"I do" Harry replied smiling his dimples on full show.

"Do you Sarah Pritch take Harry Styles to be your husband to love and to cherish in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" I replied.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife" The prices cheered. "You may now kiss the bride" he continued

Harry did just that, unleashing a whole New bag of butterflies.

We made our way to the reception area which was in a hotel we hired out near by.

Once we got there we had our meal and the speeches had started.

It was the father of the bride's speech which Niall gets the honour of doing.

"Well 4 years ago Harry came to practice telling us about this girl he had meant and was crazy about, he told us all about Sarah here and eventually introduced us to her from then Sarah had become my little sister. These two people deserve each other and eternal happiness and I wish them both an amazing life together. Now there is how ever a special little boy missing here today, who sadly cant be with us today his name is Dillon and although he's not here in person he is always here in our heart's.. I would like to thank his wonderful mother for allowing me to be part of this special day you look beautiful Sarah" Niall had finished his speech, I had tears coming from my eyes and Liam was in full mode sob.

The best man's speech was next and that meant LLouis.

"That was a beautiful speech Niall, I uh.. I am Hazzas bestman and secret not so secret bromancer, well you see Harry never shut up about Sarah even before he met her because they lived in the same apartment block and I knew he'd eventually get the girl of his dreams.. I'll never forget reading online about how Harry proposed and never told me he was planning too do so or that he had done it.. nope Harry I will not let you love that down. How ever I read online also the bestman has to say thank yous, so thank you to everyone for coming out and thank you to Harry's mum Anne who helped me do my tie and thank you to the staff of this wonderful hotel on such a beautiful meal, thank you Niall for walking Sarah down the isle and for making Liam cry.. but most importantly thank you Sarah and Harry mainly for just being my friends but for just being you. I love you guys" Louis had finished his speech and now it was time for Harry's speech which I didn't even know was happening.

"Thank you Louis and Niall for those speeches, well Louis got all the thank yous done so that's great thank you all again but a special thank you to my beautiful Wife Sarah Styles" Harry put his hand out for me to take and stand up which I did. " This beautiful girl has been my rock and kepte grounded and I want to thank you as Louis said for just being you and marrying me, I would also like to thank Sarah for not only agreeing to Marry but she is also carrying our first child" Harry explained and everyone applauded.

" When I met Sarah she was pregnant on Dillon I was given the title step father and I couldn't of been happier, unfortunately my beautiful step son isn't here with us today but he will for ever remain in my heart, so I guess Sarah is actually pregnant with our second child and I couldn't be happier" Harry had finished and the tears were back.

After the space for the dance floor was made it was time for the 'Father Daughter Dance'

Niall and I danced slowly to the music and then came the first dance.

"I'm going to sing this song to Sarah whilst we dance so bare with me" Harry explained and I was in shock!

We began dancing as the music started and Harry began singing.

I looked to the corner of my eyes and noticed all 4 boys standing crying.. quite the hormonal bunch aye.

When we had finished Harry whispered an 'i love you' in my ear and I couldn't help but smile.

Most magical day of my life..

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